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Steering Committee: February 26, 2020

Wednesday Feb 26th, 2020

In Attendance: Laura Grennan, Abanti Tagore, Lillian Duda, Mary Hanna, Sandy Brooks, Nicole Kozloff, Aristotle Voineskos, Janet Durbin, Alexia Jaouich, George Foussias, Augustina Ampofo, Sarah Bromley

Regrets: Sanjeev Sockalingam


  • Add Lisa Panetta to all EPI-SET related calls and calendar invites – Abanti

  • Follow up with laptop and security cable for Sudbury – Laura

  • Update Laura after call with Sudbury team – Dayna

  • Connect with Divya/Simone re: monthly surveys – Andrea/Augustina

  • Work with Durham to prioritize ECHO and ask prescribers to attend - PSSP

  • Consolidate and send out ECHO curriculum for cycle two once responses are in - Abanti

  • Bring EPI-SET site traffic data at next project team meeting – Laura



  • Send out advisory committee newsletter quarterly – Andrea/Laura



  • Obtaining final signatures for Niagara contract, should be fully executed within this week! Durham is last site left – Abanti

  • Setting up psychiatry support contract with Thunder Bay and Slaight – Sarah/Abanti

  • IMG request submitted for Sudbury laptop purchase – Laura

  • Niagara update: Krista is transitioning to a new role! Lisa Panetta (Niagara manager) will be taking over as site lead; She will join the next project team call and be added on all invites for future meetings/calls

Advisory Committees


  • Great discussion and conversations at last FAC meeting! Dr. Voineskos attended and addressed questions regarding the challenges of doing research and the healthcare system

  • It’s important for the study leads to attend because FAC members can hear the bigger picture and get context for each of the different streams in the study – Lillian

  • Next FAC meeting is on March 12th, 2020


  • Next YAC meeting is on March 6th, 2020 – Dr. Foussias will be attending

  • Ongoing: YAC looking for interested youth to be referred from sites, and will be sending out a message through EPION mailing list

  • Need to talk to Divya and Simone regarding the monthly survey – not receiving as many responses but the membership is already low to begin with

Patient Measures

  • Completed research baseline visit with first family member! Second family member to be scheduled

  • The EPI-SET laptop shut down mid-assessment during the last research session – have simulated a mock session and there seems to be no problems with it

  • Our laptop has been set up with an Ethernet line so should solve internet issues on our end

  • North Bay has indicated that their EMR does not hold admission date as static info and will have to look between two different EMR systems to find this information but if necessary will go back and look for it to input into the REDCap referral link – Dayna


  • Completed our sixth ECHO session yesterday. Thank you Dr. Kozloff for facilitating!

  • 15 spokes in total. 10 responses received so far;

  • Sent out Amazon gift cards to winners!

  • Not as many conversations this time around – might be due to attendance

  • Thunder Bay was not present because transitioning to a new clinic

  • Durham psychiatry appointments are now on Tuesday – harder for people to attend

  • Local implementation specialists to talk with Durham/sites to prioritize ECHO and bring up any issues beforehand so we can prepare and adjust for meetings

  • Next ECHO session: March 24th on Maintaining Recovery; didactic from Connie & Tom and a case presented by Colin and Sara from Durham – they have been notified of this!

  • Awaiting feedback from project planning team re: curriculum for cycle two – attendees have till Friday to submit their comments and Abanti will send out a consolidated list again


  • Following up with site clinicians and PSSP on benefits and drawbacks of EENet Connect vs. EPI-SET portal for posting questions and discussions before moving forward on either one – Sarah

  • Drop-in sessions to begin in the summer on an as needed basis once post-training calls and ECHO sessions end

  • Indirectly it seems that sites/clinicians are wanting a place to ask questions as many are still reaching out to Sarah regarding implementation

  • Generally moving in the direction of having a forum set up, not sure on which platform; PSSP is happy to strategically plan and prepare to develop this on whichever site we choose

  • Having it through the portal makes sense because all resources and links are there so it’s easy to direct people there

  • Fidelity Reports – Janet & Mary

  • Please see attached PowerPoint for the slides from the presentation

  • Overall message to be disseminated are that sites are doing well they can do better

  • Sites still struggle to see that things can improve– need to be thoughtful on how this message is delivered re: the consistent drops; Durham did experience a significantly bigger drop

  • Team to create key take home messages to share alongside the report

  • Ratings are consistently lower than the average; not surprising as there have been inconsistencies in delivery and documentation practices

  • NAVIGATE will have an impact on team practice, assessment and care planning and psychosocial treatment not so much on pharmacotherapy

  • These reports are replicating the original findings to some extent and the rational for why this study is taking place is very clear

  • This is good to present to FAC and YAC – need their powerful advocacy to go back to the clinic because this may be a call to action for clinicians that are not on board yet

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