Attendance: Kerri Nagy, Diana Urajnik, Michael Weyman, Augustina Ampofo, Sandy Brooks, Dayna Rossi, John Riley, Kiran Jassal, Jolene Felsbourg-Linton, Carol Maxwell, Brooke Magel, Monica Choi, Aristotle Voineskos, Sara Traore, Nitha Vincent, Rakshi Kathuria, Lillian Duda, Kim Hewitt-McVicker, Nicole Kozloff, Melanie Barwick, Claudia Sendanyoye, Jill Shakespeare
Schedule additional Prescriber ECHO sessions – Nitha
Website updates
Digitized patient-facing IRT modules are live on Moodle! This work was supported by funding from the Toor family.
In order to access the clinician- and patient-facing materials, clinicians must complete the Bipolar Disorder e-learning
If you run into any tech issues, contact one of the RAs or
Site Lead Updates
Fully staffed
Focusing on community outreach right now
Kerri participated in a guest lecture at Brock University!
Currently working with local family practitioners to get them familiarized and on-board with LAI for clients
Continuing to receive some inappropriate referrals, which are time-consuming to work around. Some of these referrals even come directly from family practitioners – the only way to really know whether a referral is appropriate is after a prescriber sees them
North Bay
More in-person appointments have been taking place in the clinic
Clinicians are working on outreach initiatives and promoting their services, as referrals have been lower than usual recently
Overall, NAVIGATE delivery has been going really well
Collaborating with Thunder Bay on family education virtual groups
Team is working with Dayna on some refresher trainings for clinicians
In the past, Sudbury experienced backlog with screening. Currently, they have 2 staff dedicated to screening for all programs and they are responsible for taking out referrals that don’t quite fit before they even come through to EPI clinicians
SEE clinician recently resigned so the clinic will be looking to hire a new SEE worker
New intake worker has joined the team
Thunder Bay
Family groups are going really well
Taking a look at the intake process and gaps identified from the fidelity results
Partnering with Indigenous organizations that travels within remote communities
Feedback For Inappropriate Referrals:
Sites have the same intake criteria but may each interpret them a bit differently depending on resources
At CAMH, a team of 4 huddle 3x a week to review referrals (physician, clinician, manager, and clinic admin) - meet for 15 minutes each time.
Implementation & Fidelity – PSSP
Traditional implementation is minimal across sites with exception of Sudbury right now
New clinicians are being on-boarded by PSSP on an as-need basis
The new Sudbury team is working closely with Jolene and PSSP to build a coaching plan and capacity building given the smaller team size
Mentorship and collaboration going forward as next steps
Focusing on telling the story from BL to T1, identify gaps (fidelity)
General ECHO
Next session: February 10th, 2023
Didactic: SEE | Case Presentation: Sudbury
Prescriber ECHO
Should we schedule more sessions? Good turn out last time.
Answer: Yes, keep the frequency at once every 2 months.
Family and Youth Qualitative Interviews (FYQI)
Analysis has started
Rabia has had some really fruitful discussions with participants so far
Aiming to interview 10 family members in total
In Sudbury, 1 family member declined because they have been asked to participate in too many things regarding NAVIGATE. Thoughts?
RAs often follow up several times with family members to complete surveys as part of the main study, which is why it may seem like there is a large ask from those who participate
RAs should keep in mind timing for families and always reiterate that their participation is voluntary
RAs continue to offer flexible options to support family members in completing surveys
Patient Measures and Outcomes
* Durham numbers are from Jan 2020 to Jun 2022
Recruitment and Retention
Baseline: 100 participants | 6-month: 77 participants | 12-month:S 52 participants | 18-month: 40 participants | 24-month: 29 participants
81 participants currently enrolled
Family Advisory Committee
Sandy and Janet will be attending upcoming meeting on February 9th, 2023
PFLS video series on the move! List of video ideas have been compiled.
Recruiting for Thunder Bay and Waterloo family members
Putting together a tips sheet on why family education is important, what worked well, what didn’t work well, barriers. This can be used as we begin to onboard new sites and train new FE clinicians
Youth Advisory Committee
Next meeting: February 24th, 2023 (Sandy and Janet also attending)
Presentation for Northeast team taking place on February 23rd, 2023
Augustina spoke with Pauline Chan about EPI and NAVIGATE
Look into Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Conference in Vancouver, abstracts are due Feb 13th
Theme is on integration research to practice