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Supported Employment and Education (SEE) Specialist

The Supported Employment and Education (SEE) specialist’s main responsibilities are focused on working with patients from the outset of treatment to establish and achieve their vocational or educational goals.  The SEE specialist actively participates in regular team meetings, bringing important clinical issues related to the patient’s school or work functioning to the attention of the NAVIGATE team. The SEE specialist also helps patients develop strategies for overcoming or coping with cognitive difficulties that interfere with vocational or educational goals.

SEE Materials

SEE Specialist Manuals & Resources

SEE Program Manual (PDF)


SEE Introduction Slides (PDF)

SEE Employment Slides (PDF)

SEE Education Slides (PDF)

ARTICLE: Caught in the "NEET Trap": The intersection between vocational inactivity and disengagement from an early intervention service for psychosis

ARTICLE: Supported Employment and Education in Comprehensive, Integrated Care for First Episode Psychosis: Effects on work, school and disability income

ARTICLE: Factors Associated with Vocational Disengagement Among Young People Entering Mental Health Treatment

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