Attendance: Kerri Nagy, Kim Hewitt-McVicker, Jolene Felsbourg-Linton, Diana Urajnik, Brooke Magel, John Riley, Linda Dang, Marleine Saliba, George Foussias, Augustina Ampofo, Nitha Vincent, Josette Morin, Kiran Jassal, Rakshi Kathuria, Rabia Zaheer, Sarah Bromley, Kelly Smirle, Victoria Villanueva, Carol Maxwell, Emily Panzarella
Annual Meeting Updates
The RA team is in the process of booking flights for the attendees who require them
Hotels have been confirmed
Drake Hotel – 30 rooms
Hotel X – 14 rooms (Niagara and CoE will stay here)
We will be catering breakfast from Out of this World Café and lunch from Cumbrae’s
The auditorium is booked and will be theatre-style rather than roundtable
Booster Training Updates
Managers will join site leads for their session
We have 10 virtual attendees across every single role
Should we have a separate session for virtual attendees or place virtual attendees with their role like last year?
Kerri supports a session for virtual attendees – they can focus on team dynamics
Jolene is more in favour of having virtual attendees participate in role-specific sessions
Sites will ask staff joining virtually about their thoughts and share back with the RAs at the meeting in a few weeks
Should we group nurses together rather than separating into IRT/prescriber room?
Kim would like this; if not, her nurses will go in the prescriber room because they mostly do metabolic/physical health monitoring
Josette would like a nurse room for Julie; if not, she would do IRT or FE
Kerri is flexible
RAs to discuss with Monica/Sanjeev about how NAVIGATE would be integrated in a nurse room
Site leads to let the RAs know if there are any clinicians interested in facilitating!
Site Lead Updates
No urgent updates
Still offering virtual care but offers in-person first
Still encountering staffing challenges – turnover, extended sick leave, etc.
Hiring a new staff; also losing a staff member
North Bay
Clinicians share that clients have been unwell lately. Exploring what factors may be contributing
More in-person visits taking place
Dr. Primeau’s office is now much closer to North Bay clinic, which creates more opportunities for clients to connect in-person
New manager Kelly Smirle has joined the team!
General ECHO
Next session: April 14, 2023
Case Presentation: North Bay | Didactic: Side Effects & Discontinuation (Dr. Omair Husain)
Qualitative interviews were completed. Thank you to all staff who participated!
Audio files sent to transcriptionist and data will be shared at the annual meeting
Prescriber ECHO
Next session to be scheduled for May
Family and Youth Qualitative Interviews (FYQI)
The team is working on the manuscript.
Patient Measures Updates
* Durham numbers are from Jan 2020 to Jun 2022
Recruitment and Retention
Baseline: 100 participants | 6-month: 78 participants | 12-month: 55 participants | 18-month: 42 participants | 24-month: 32 participants
81 participants currently enrolled
Family Advisory Committee
Next meeting: April 13, 2023
Youth Advisory Committee
Next meeting: April 28, 2023
Sophie will attend to discuss methodologies for manuscript
George will attend to share patient data for SIRS/annual meeting
At the last meeting, Janet and Sandy shared fidelity results. YAC shared that they didn’t like that only CBT was offered (why not DBT, EFT, art therapy, etc.)
This mirrors what was heard in the qualitative interviews with youth. Many youth focused on alternative forms of therapy and how they were essential to recovery