Attendance: Andrea Alves, Don Addington, Melanie Barwick, Augustina Ampofo, Dayna Rossi, Kim Hewitt-McVicker - WW, Lauren Caruana, Josette Morin – NB, Tallan Byram, Diana Urajnik, Alan Cudmore, Brannon Senger, Nicole Kozloff, Alexia Jaouich, Carol Maxwell – Thunder Bay, Sandy Brooks, Dielle Miranda, Aristotle Voineskos, George Foussias, Sheila Gallagher - Durham, Janet Durbin, Heather McKee, Kerri Nagy – Niagara, Sarah Bromley
Administrative Updates
Contract process nearly finalized
Regulatory submissions for EPI-SET and e-NAVIGATE in progress
Staffing Update
Hired a new EPI-SET research analyst to join our team – Rameiya will be starting on Monday, November 9th
After first few weeks of orientation, Rameiya will take over some aspects of the project, Brannon and Andrea will reduce their extra tasks
Also in process of hiring a 4th research analyst
Fidelity – Dr. Don Addington
Don recently published a paper about the properties of the 2018 version of the Fidelity scale, which is being used in EPI-SET
Inter-rater reliability and feasibility were assessed after Fidelity assessments were conducted at 36 FEP programs in the United States
Importantly, the study demonstrated good inter-rater reliability
Also showed that the programs that don’t use a structured approach don’t do as well
We can compare Fidelity at the component level between the U.S. study and this study or e-NAVIGATE
The findings of this paper do not change practice for Fidelity assessments at the sites; it was examining the science of the scale
Adding 2 new items to the scale
Age range is determined by provincial standards, and we are measuring it now whereas it was not an item before
Site Updates
Continue to encourage staff to refer clients for research
Will be meeting with nurse that started in September to discuss family worker role
Very busy - currently have 14 people on waitlist; previously were taking in all clients within a week
Fidelity results had been good in this area before
Providing support to patients and families while they wait
Hoping to streamline services more with partnerships
Referrals are increasing, 80% of clients using cannabis/drug-induced psychosis, bipolar
Full-time IRT staff was off on paternity leave, returning next week which should help with waitlist
NAVIGATE is the norm; all clinicians delivering NAV with new clients
New staff have indicated that NAVIGATE helps them with what to say and how to say it
Current challenge: lack of services to discharge clients after 3 years in program. Starting to refer people after 2 years since waitlists are long.
Many clients are unwell right now, focusing on ensuring they get resources as soon as possible.
So many clients that are unwell right now
Trying to ensure they get resources as soon as possible
3 new staff, working with Al to get them oriented to NAV
Will take time to get clients transferred
Have regular weekly meeting to check in about NAV roles and research which is going well
Noticed a bit of positive narrative shift in team, currently in a nice flow and more consistently referring for research
Meet with research team each week, team saves questions for research team
In a nice flow, more consistency with referring to research
Thunder Bay
Continuing to move forward with implementation, meeting weekly with all roles
7 clients have received NAVIGATE – some that started before the launch with certain modules
Referred 3 clients for research, and glad to have Andrea and Brannon at weekly meetings
Planning to look at collaborative treatment plan meetings for some individuals
Getting ready to start Fidelity evaluation process next week with chart extractions and interviews.
North Bay
Caseload is 27, and 1 new client referred to the research team
Majority of visits are virtual but all clients get the option to be seen in person.
New consults always seen via OTN (with psychiatrist and team).
2 new clients have given consent for family to be involved.
Delivery of NAV still going well and being well received.
Next session: this Friday on Medication Management
Didactic: Dr. Wanda Tempelaar
Case Presentation: Thunder Bay
Leadership transition: Dr. Monica Choi has been in prescriber role on the ECHO Hub since we started and is very familiar with the model.
Dr. Choi will start attending the Project Team meetings to hear from the sites about problems you’re dealing with and using ECHO to fill some learning gaps
Dr. Kozloff will stay involved in an ad hoc way, if Drs. Sockalingam or Choi are unable to attend
A Family Advisory Committee member will be attending the ECHOs going forward
Youth Advisory Committee
The Youth Advisory Committee will be creating 2 videos
1 video will be about why the Youth Advisors decided to contribute to EPI-SET and NAVIGATE
1 video will describe their own experiences with psychosis
Also working with the Fidelity team on providing some feedback in regards to treatment plans and crisis plan templates
Family Advisory Committee
The Family Advisors have been very engaged with recommendations for recruiting clients for research
It’s nice to hear that referring clients to research is becoming more common
Also happy to hear that the Thunder Bay team is looking into collaborative treatment plans, as we believe the benefit of NAVIGATE is coordination among the different care streams
Family Advisors participated in Family Education ECHO last month; great discussion about the family education component
Next steps: Brannon has a schedule for the Principal Investigators to come to the meetings and keep everyone connected
Recruitment Update
