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Project Team: January 5, 2022

Attendance: Carol Maxwell, Kerri Nagy, Diana Urajnik, Griffin, Lauren Caruana, Michael Weyman, Melanie Barwick, Shreya Mahajan, Lillian Duda, Rakshi Kathuria, Tallan, Lauren DeFreitas, Augustina Ampofo, Elaine Stasiulus, Jill Shakespeare, Vic, Nikki Kozloff, Monica Choi, George Foussias, Kim Hewitt-McVicker, Janet Durbin, Aristotle Voineskos, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Sandy Brooks, Sophie Soklaridis, John Riley, Sarah Bromley, Sheeba Narikuzhy, Anne-Marie Baker Devost, Emily Panzarella


  • Reach out to Aristotle to coordinate meeting with the FAC – Rakshi


  • A warm welcome to new PSSP Project Manager, Michael Weyman (!

    • PSSP is happy to introduce Michael Weyman, Project Manager with the EPI-SET project. Michael has been a knowledge broker for CAMH’s Provincial System Support Program (PSSP) since 2015, based out of Hamilton. Prior to PSSP, he was a mental health clinician at CAMH and then an educator and clinician in one of CAMH’s addiction programs. Through his career, he has developed progressive experience in coordinating projects in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders. He has a Master of Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University and training in project management and leadership.

Site Lead Updates


  • Able to fill the vacant IRT clinician position; staffing is now at full capacity

  • Have been able to start taking people off of waitlist but things have been difficult since the announcing of new COVID-19 restrictions

  • 1 staff nurse was redeployed for a few days and more staff may be redeployed in the near future

  • Still getting used to new documentation system (currently using Epic Systems)


  • There has been lots of staff change-over recently and things have been busy as a result

  • Some challenges with delivering NAVIGATE due to new staff

  • Currently pulling staff from other areas of EPI to avoid wait-listing people

  • Began internal competition for staff to send in referrals (Waterloo initially introduced this idea) and it has been working really well

    • Will be doing this again for the month of January


  • Not too many changes since last meeting

  • There was 1 member who was away but just returned; however, redeployment is expected

  • Shout-out to Carol for extending the invite to family group workshops! No family members have expressed interest yet but it could be because the holidays are a busy time. Anne-Marie to keep Thunder Bay posted.


  • Trying to avoid wait-listing people as things are really stretched right now

    • Trying out a brief assessment clinic to see whether people meet for psychosis to further avoid wait-listing those who meet for admission into the clinic

  • A big thank you for the lunch prize from the incentive draw!

Thunder Bay

  • Family virtual group workshops are resuming this month and will be reaching out to the FAC for further assistance and guidance

  • CFIR interviews have been scheduled with participating staff

Implementation – PSSP

  • Fidelity assessments that were scheduled for January are being put on hold right now due to the new restrictions

    • We have some room time-wise and will wait to see how things unravel before taking any further next steps for the assessments

  • Prioritizing visits to Waterloo and Sudbury, as we do not have Time 1 Assessment data yet

ECHO Update

General ECHO

  • Next session: January 7th, 2022

    • Case Presentation: Thunder Bay

    • Didactic: Emotional Regulation Techniques with Dr. Shelley McMain

Prescriber ECHO

  • Next session: January 27th, 2022

    • Topic: Substance Use Disorder with Dr. Valerie Primeau


  • Ramping back up with interviews this month

    • 10/18 interviews completed, 4 upcoming, 4 more projected

  • Starting to analyze collected data from Wave 1 sites

  • e-NAVIGATE interviews are currently being scheduled as well

Family & Youth QI

  • Sophie and Shreya will be joining YAC and FAC meetings this month to discuss the project and get some additional insight before proceeding with interviews

  • Research team is continuing to recruit youth and family members

Patient Measures

Referrals and Baselines

  • 732 admissions

    • 159 – Durham; 210 – Niagara; 34 – North Bay; 30 – Sudbury; 237 – Waterloo; 62 – Thunder Bay

  • 253 approached

    • 53 – Durham, 58 – Niagara, 46 – North bay, 28 – Sudbury, 37 – Waterloo, 31 – Thunder Bay

  • 156 referred, 67/74 enrolled (6 dropped out, 1 was withdrawn)

  • 5 are scheduled and 10 are being contacted

  • 97 declined

    • 67 – Not interested

    • 4 – Inconvenience/ time constraint

    • 4 – Privacy concern

    • 2 – Not comfortable speaking about mental health experiences

    • 9 – Want more time to think about it

    • 11 - Unspecified

  • 24 re-approached and 13/24 agreed to be referred after re-approach


  • 6-month: 50 completed, 0 scheduled, 1 more projected for January

  • 12-month: 26 completed, 2 scheduled, 4 more projected for January

  • 18-month: 8 completed, 0 scheduled, 4 more projected for January

  • 24-month: 0 completed, 1 scheduled, 0 more projected for January

2021 Yearly Overview

Last 2 Months

  • 7 referrals (4 – Niagara; 3 – Waterloo) are not yet eligible to participate because they have been in EPI services for more than 1 year

    • Submitted an amendment and waiting on approval to include any clients enrolled in EPI services, even if they have exceeded

Advisory Committees


  • Positive feedback on ECHO sessions and have been attending them regularly

  • A chart outlining project activities was shared with the group and this has been helpful in seeing what has been done, upcoming plans, and potential areas of contributions

  • Hoping to strategize family engagement for qualitative interviews

  • Met with Simone recently, who provided some ideas for structuring meetings and documentation processes

    • Will be implementing these changes starting this month

  • A new member will be joining the group!

    • This member has a sibling with psychosis. Hoping to bring some new perspective, as the current group is comprised of all parents.

  • Next meeting: January 13th, 2022 (Sophie to attend)


  • Had a really great discussion on accomplishments over the past year and some upcoming action items

  • Hoping to contribute to an ECHO presentation this year

  • Augustina has been attending site meetings to see how recruitment is going

    • Thunder Bay has streamlined their research package into clinical care, which has been helpful. Hoping to share this with some other teams.

    • Younger individuals have been difficult for clinicians to approach for various reasons. Younger people are sometimes unsure about how much autonomy they have over these decisions and often look to their parents for support

    • Looking to gather some resources from CAMH’s Youth Engagement Team for videos and pamphlets targeted towards younger populations. The resources should also incorporate family components so that everyone can have a better idea of what research actually is

  • Next meeting: January 28th, 2022

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