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Family Advisory Committee: January 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

In Attendance: Lillian, Nicolle, Hugh, Laura, Catherine

Action Items

· Include the ZOOM Meeting number and participant ID in the agenda - Laura

· Ask Dr. Voineskos to join the next meeting – Laura

· Talk to the Patient Engagement Lead at CAMH to get more information on how family advisors have contributed to other projects – Laura

Welcome to our new member from Durham, Catherine!

Concerns about Patient Recruitment

- We discussed how the committee is concerned with recruiting enough research participants in 12 months

- Laura will bring these concerns to Dr. Voineskos, and will invite Dr. Voineskos to the next Family Advisory Committee (FAC) meeting

Concerns with the Project

- Discussed concerns with staff turnover, but that this is something that happens in the healthcare system

- Nicolle spoke with Catherine Ford (a member of the ministry), and she mentioned that not a lot of money is currently being put into this area of health care

- Want to know if someone will be available to help family members with surveys at each of the sites

How can we better support the Family Advisory Committee?

- Want larger items to provide input on

- Would like to possibly organize an in-person meeting

- Laura will talk to the Patient Engagement Lead at CAMH to get more information on how family advisors have contributed to other projects


- Laura has contacted CAMH Education services asking when the Family Education course will be available

- Laura has sent out an anonymous survey (as recommended by the Patient and Family Engagement Team) asking the current FAC members if they are okay with Catherine’s husband joining the committee. Please fill out the Google Form as soon as you are able to!

- Next month we will have another new member, Kirstin from Waterloo

- Lillian’s photo and message is now on the website (Password: NavigateON):

Next meeting: Thursday, February 20th, 2020

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