Thursday, May 14, 2020
In Attendance: Lillian, Laura, Marie, Hugh, Kirstin, Nicolle, Stacey, Janet, Heather, Sandy
Action Items:
Fill out direct deposit compensation form– FAC members
Compensate FAC members via direct deposit/cheque-Laura
Review the FAC video outline/suggestions document and send any edits/suggestions you have to Laura -FAC members
Review the Implementation Team’s Powerpoint and prepare questions and comments for the next FAC meeting-FAC members
Let Laura know if you’re interested in being involved in a new study at CAMH evaluating the virtual delivery of NAVIGATE-FAC members
Ask to extend meetings to 1.5 hours when a committee presents- Laura
Chatting with Janet, Heather and Sandy from the Implementation Team
We are measuring fidelity to different areas of the NAVIGATE model of care, essentially how clinicians are delivering it
There is a fidelity scale that has 33 items on it that looks at team and staff activities at Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) sites
Receiving a score of 5 on the scale means that something has been fully implemented well and is high performing
The fidelity assessment is now being conducted through a remote process, and the results are shared with EPI teams
The 33 items are divided into 5 domains: psychosocial treatment, pharmacological treatment, access and continuity, team practice, and assessment and care planning
Each item on the scale is rated from 1-5, 4 means the program meets the standards
Currently psychosocial interventions have a low score because even though it may happen, it isn’t well documented by programs (this information is gathered from interviews with staff and a selection of charts)
The fidelity team makes quality improvement recommendations to sites based on their scores
If a site gets a low score, they need to problem solve and see where they can improve
Family involvement in assessments is a strength
Low fidelity items include providing or giving links to crisis intervention services, and low early intervention (people getting outpatient EPI before being hospitalized) – this information is reflected in feedback given to sites
High fidelity items include antipsychotic prescriptions (well documented)
Outreach is a component of early intervention but many clinics are busy enough providing care
Janet, Sandy, and Heather will come back to continue discussing this, Laura will send out their slides for members to review and make not of questions and comments they have before the next meeting
Research Recruitment – Update from Hugh’s conversation with Dr. Soania Mathur
Having a database of patients to recruit from is very useful
Communication via email is optimal
Good to let people know about research opportunities at parent groups and patient groups
Laura will take this important feedback back to the steering committee and patient measures groups
FAC Video
Laura showed the document she worked on outlining topics to discuss in the FAC video
The aim is to show this video to clinicians at our sites who are learning to deliver NAVIGATE and highlight the importance of having coordinated care for EPI sites
Please review the document that Laura will send out and provide feedback on it
Direct Deposit Forms
Laura will send out the direct deposit form again along with an example of one filled out.
Please fill and sign this form as soon as possible so I can reimburse you for your time! If you have any questions feel free to call or email Laura
Welcome to our new member Stacey!
Next Meeting: Thursday July 9, 2020