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Project Team Meeting: September 4, 2019

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Action Items

  • Sudbury: annual renewal due Sept 15th, circulate draft to SC for review- Dielle

  • Follow-up with Waterloo about REB ethics submission (July 12, 2019)- Dielle/Kim

  • Schedule call with physicians- Aristotle/George

  • Implementation stats: sites to provide numbers of how many youth have received NAVIGATE;- PSSP to create impact report

  • Impact summary – draft to be circulated by next week to SC- Dielle

  • PSSP to connect with sites regarding representation on YAC and FAC

  • Next call: Oct 1st



  • As training program evolves and modernizes, how does onboarding look for the new sites that are coming on?

  • People feel less engaged via phone and behind a screen; suggestion to increase team building: meet annually, perhaps at EPION to have team meeting for a couple hours

Introduction and Administrative Study Progress Updates

  • 3 new RA’s hired who will support the project and committees

  • Received final execution of Waterloo contract

  • Waterloo site visit on Sept 15th, Al from PSSP will be meeting the team.



  • George and Sarah are working with the NAVIGATE trainers to coordinate the Nov in-person training which will be paired with the EPION conference (Nov 19-20) to capitalize on those will be in town; feasible from a budget perspective- training has been scheduled for Nov 18th

  • Training will include a blended model: in-person workshop for skill building and web training for knowledge component

  • George and Sarah will work with the trainers (call scheduled for 2:00pm on Sept4th with Susan) to create the refine the blended training model and Dielle will be the point contact to coordinate the administrative aspects of training.

  • Simone asked if there was a role for partners in advisory committee to support training


  • First ECHO session was completed on August 27th; this was an important milestone reached with team effort; spoke sites were engaged on the call and sites are getting used to the model and format but we still need engagement from physicians

  • Hub team did the didactic and case presentation

  • Challenges:

  1. Technical difficulties- Dielle to explore options for IT infrastructure to support the sites; sites will be reminded that they can also access zoom from their cell phones.

  2. Physician engagement/ECHO call attendance piece is a challenge because they’re not salaried so their time at each of the sites is a part time job, they’re not full time EPI doctors (Waterloo, Niagara, Sudbury, Thunderbay, Guelph confirms this)

  3. Potential solutions for physician engagement: 1) Remind physicians that they can earn CME credits if they attend the ECHO sessions; 2) consider moving the ECHO session to after hours or lunch calls but this might not be feasible for other team members; 3) pop-up evening sessions relevant to the physicians; 4) remind physicians that they can participate from anywhere, doesn’t have to be in the clinic or in proximity of the team.


  • PSSP has prepared the Niagara report which has been reviewed and modified by Krista

  • There is a solid clear protocol now and lean report template which includes references to NAVIGATE – waiting for feedback from Krista

  • PSSP will start working with two new sites (Sudbury and Waterloo) as soon as REB and contracts are finalized

  • Working on development of implementation manual and knowledge exchange

Patient Measures and Outcomes

  • Most of patient measures have been built in REDCap

  • Waiting on feedback from the sites regarding the safety SOP; this will be critical as we want to ensure clarity around safety processes so if there is a concern around safety we can address in a thoughtful manner that works with the clinical teams at each site

  • Data collection has been delayed until September; new measures and revised consent forms were approved by CAMH REB on August 28, 2019

  • Revised consent forms need to be built into REDCap.

  • Patient referral tracking system also needs to be built in REDCAP to ensure that teams know who has been enrolled and that there are no repetitions

Family and Youth Engagement:

Family Advisory Committee (FAC):

  • Baseline survey has been completed

  • Family focused e-learning module has been reviewed by the FAC and they have provided feedback

  • Focus really needs to be on getting more representatives from Durham, Waterloo and Sudbury

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC):

  • Youth members are working on editing the onboarding documents.

  • Baseline survey has been completed

Baseline engagement survey:

  • Baseline assessments were completed by 6/8 members

  • Simone has circulated a draft report to the YAC and FAC leads for feedback on the recommendations section -report outlines identified areas that YAC and FAC members are interested in contributing to

  • Overview of findings:

  1. Partners were very interested in knowledge translation, choosing study outcomes and inform the content of the data collection tools

  2. Members were less interested in the weeds of the data but recognized that it’s important for them to be involved in this process and are aware of the results

  3. Simone will wait to hear back from partners before the results and recommendations are shared with the team

Updates from sites:

  • Durham: new CYW part-time staff, past experience at John Howards society in employment and education work experience; role is doing SEE job and organizing leisure activities for the patients

  • About 38-40 clients have received NAVIGATE- more people are not doing NAVIGATE than those that are

  • Niagara: Krista will send information about number of patients who have received NAVIGATE

  • New clients are doing NAVIGATE and family group is well received, starting 3rd round of family group

  • Staff have mixed feelings about taking on new model mid-stream

  • Waterloo/Wellington: Al from PSSP has a planned visit on Sept 15th to provide support; start orientation and relationship building

  • Sudbury: Dana will be supporting this new site; will start relationship building and implementation and coaching plan

Other Items

Dr. Kozloff is still working on the protocol paper, and the goal is to have it ready to submit by the end of the month.

  • Sent paper ~2 weeks ago to full list of people who had contributed to the protocol

  • Sent revised version to Steering committee and flagged important bits

  • Will get input on schedules and engagement sections from Simone

EPION Presentations

  • Nov 19- Part 1- Early Psychosis Intervention-Spreading Evidence-based Treatment EPI-SET): Collaboration with patient and family members to implement and evaluate community based care.

  • Nov 20 - Part 2- Early Psychosis Intervention-Spreading Evidence-based Treatment (EPI-SET): Training and early implementation of NAVIGATE in Ontario across diverse service settings. The second panel at EPION conference will be led by site leads and patient family committee leads

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