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Project Team Meeting: June 5, 2019

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

In attendance: Aristotle Voineskos, Nicole Kozloff, George Foussias, Sarah Bromley, Claire de Oliveira, Kelly Anderson, Sophie Soklaridis, Josette Morin, Krista Whittard, Sheila Gallagher, Kim Hewitt, Jeff Rocca, Alexia Jaouich, Mary Hanna, Kelsey Jones, Nandini Saxena, Dayna Rossi, Sandy Brooks, Karleigh Darnay, Jennifer Hardy, Eva Serhal, Janet Durbin, Jean Addington, Paul Kurdyak, Catherine Ford, Diana Urajnik, Sara Traore, Augustina Ampofo, Coulson Bodogh, Lillian Duda, Nicolle Plante-Dupuis, Dielle Miranda, Chelsi Major, Jasmyn Cunningham, Sanjeev Sockalingam

Action Items

  • Circulate the SPOR Patient Engagement Framework – Chelsi

  • Compile and submit CIHR Annual Report – Dielle

  • Send example of hybrid papers to Nikki – Jane



New Sites

  • Waterloo Wellington and Sudbury were on the grant as original sites. They had to take a step back, but now they are coming back on board (Waterloo Wellington definitely, Sudbury probably)

  • We’ve achieved our year one goals with the three sites being trained, getting REB and contracts completed, etc.

  • We are also getting interest from sites that weren’t originally on the project.

  • We don’t have the research money to support implementation of these sites in other parts of the project – how can we do this in a more contained way?

  • We want to support sites implementing this – maybe not this team, but an overlapping team

  • We want a coordinated system across the province if possible

  • They can potentially be participants on the ECHO? They get a portion of the implementation, with the case-based learning – ECHO likely will scale well, as will simulation training, etc.

  • Columbia/on-track program is a good model to look to

  • ICES data lend themselves more easily to compare these additional sites. Fidelity does as well, as we need to know if care is up to the standard

  • Waterloo Wellington Site

  • Had a call with them last week

  • Getting started with REB/contracts – they have a smaller REB. Hoping to get the administrative stuff wrapped up in the next month or so

  • We’ve created an onboarding document

  • Next steps: determining who their PSSP specialist will be,

  • Then the clinic infrastructure, questions, implementation landscape will begin,

  • Fidelity is also looped in there as well

  • We will circulate new SPOR Patient Engagement Framework

CIHR Annual Report

  • Annual oversight report includes:

  • Progress report

  • Financial report

  • Updated work plan

  • Chelsi circulated an updated progress report to the Steering Committee, we will compile comments and submit (due June 14th)



  • In post-training calls with trainers

  • It is going relatively well, some difficulty with people consistently attending, but the PSSP support is great

  • We are actively problem solving what training will look like for the onboarding of new sites

  • Chelsi has forwarded the website information as well

Site Updates

  • Sites are all in active implementation

  • Goals are to problem solve, to see what is going well and what has been challenging

  • PSSP is working with program leadership and staff at sites to support implementation

  • Focusing on making NAVIGATE business-as-usual

  • More recently, also thinking about how the research fits with the implementation process

  • Identifying PSSP specialist for the new sites – this week identified someone for Waterloo Wellington, Dayna will likely support Sudbury

  • From a Knowledge Exchange (KE) perspective – developing an onboarding process, both for these two sites and for sites not a part of the research

  • Also developing KE documents to support the implementation at the sites, which are seen by Youth and Family Advisory Committees before being distributed

  • EPION conference – working on presentation for that, and thinking about other ways to share knowledge as well

North Bay update:

  • Case load of 21-23

  • 7 clients full IRT, 5 partial, 1 new IRT start this week

  • 3 family in Family Education, met with a 4th family who will be starting

  • 1 client was doing SEE who is now working (yay!)

  • IRT clinician working with client with global development delay, strengths cards have been helpful

  • Family clinician – families are engaged with the process

  • Biweekly team meetings – implementing Navigate structure (agenda/tracking) – trying for the first time today after this meeting

  • Josette will lead the first few meetings, then after that everyone will be taking turns chairing the meetings

Niagara update:

  • 15 clients receiving full IRT

  • Just completing family group with 6 families in it

  • Onboarding 12 families into group this summer

  • Now moving to having more frequent family groups (used to be 3 times a year)

  • Family members have been liking the binder of resources for family groups

  • Strength assessment/goal setting has been going well

  • Team meetings are a blend of navigate/administrative/process tasks, as there have been a lot of process changes

  • SEE calls – clinicians haven’t found them particularly helpful (but they will continue to go)

  • They work with partner agencies for job development, there are some challenges when they aren’t familiar with the population

Durham update:

  • Implemented NAVIGATE with new clients on April 1st

  • Some older clients are being discharged

  • Lost both SEE workers – only enough money to post for for 4 days a week, temporary one year position (filling for a disability)

  • Just had fidelity assessment (chart review) done on Monday, interviews will be done over the next 2-3 weeks


  • Decided on curriculum topics for 8 sessions

  • Been meeting with broader hub group for plan for the launch (July 23rd)

  • Will be having monthly calls, from July to new fiscal year (when post-training calls taper off), then it will move to a biweekly model

  • Might open it up at that point to a provincial hub, depending on conversations that continue about new sites

  • Also looking at research versus evaluation pieces for this

  • Will be identifying general things that are reported to the ministry, to align with the research outcomes

  • With other ECHOs, there isn’t a defined set of care providers/partners, but in this research context this is one consideration we’ve factored in

  • Otherwise, sticking to our general ECHO implementation process

  • Another consideration: information at a high-level about participant engagement is usually taken down (identifying at an organizational level) – will this impact the research protocol? Might need to do this slightly differently

  • Need to do some technical orientation before July 23rd with the sites – the week or so before we plan to launch the ECHO session

  • Will run a session with each group to orient to the technology, to the model, etc.

Service Measures and Outcomes

  • Completed fidelity assessments and readiness survey distribution at two of the sites

  • In the process with Durham – chart review completed, it went well

  • Readiness survey has gone out to Durham staff

  • Will continue with other two sites when they come in

  • Will reach out to Waterloo Wellington in the near future to talk about the fidelity review at that site

  • Service Measures and Outcomes Committee met last month – it was initially populated by researchers, but we needed broader representation

  • We have brought on a service provider (chair of SISC, and program director of a community mental health agency)

  • Likely bringing on a doctoral student as well

  • Committees will be meeting with Youth and Family Advisories over the next month, to explore how to stay connected and get feedback

  • Future work: focusing more on work plan and details for qualitative data collection to get feedback from clients/families/staff

  • Staff piece will be in 2020

  • Client/family timelines are still being worked out  thinking of bringing to the group as to when might be the best time to start interviews with family members and clients

  • Want to make sure people have an opportunity to experience NAVIGATE, then interview them about their experiences

  • Juveria/Sophie/Aristotle will meet in the next few weeks to talk a bit more about this

  • Having some patient/family experiences would be helpful, need to balance with the fact that the data should be unbiased and there are enough patients and families from whom to sample

  • Local context is also important to consider when conducting these interviews

Patient Measures and Outcomes

  • Sorting out the recruitment process with the people on the ground

  • We are waiting to hear back from the family advisory group for a caregiver rated measure of functioning for participants as an added outcome measure

  • Still a planned start for recruitment in July

  • Continuing to build the databases in REDCap and Access

  • Had site visits at Niagara and Durham, and will be going to North Bay later this week

  • Discussing logistical processes, safety/risk plans for the sites, site concerns, and setting up the referral process from the clinical teams

  • Answering site leads’ and clinicians’ questions about the process, their role in it, etc.

Youth/Family Advisory


  • Family Advisory Committee has been meeting since January

  • They would love to get a member from Durham, and will also need to get family member representatives from Waterloo Wellington

  • Chelsi and Jasmyn have been supporting the group, helping with Terms of Reference, onboarding materials, etc.

  • Finalizing the family/youth engagement measures to assess engagement in the committees

  • From Family Advisory Committee: very interested in the research side of the study, the measures, how we are going to demonstrate how the objectives have been met


  • Youth Advisory Committee is going well, still have only 4 members

  • Just finalized some posters to distribute to sites to assist with recruitment

  • Will reach out to EPION to add a recruitment blurb to the newsletter

  • Talking about participating in EPION video clips at conference

  • Working on creating onboarding documents for new members

  • Looking at measuring patient/family service engagement

Engagement Measures and Outcomes

  • Divya and Simone (with Jasmyn/Lillian/Augustina) have worked together to work out what the ideal number/frequency of assessments is to measure engagement with Youth and Family Advisory Committees

  • We’ve amended the frequency and type of measures; we have more in-depth measures every 6 months and lighter ones every month to measure/support engagement


  • There is a rough draft of the protocol paper

  • Challenge to structure it since it’s 4 projects in 1

  • Will likely have to cut about half of the content

  • High level question: are people comfortable re-ordering the objectives to make more sense for the flow of the paper, and can we tweak the wording of the objectives (if staying true to the objectives)?

  • and protocol paper have to be aligned

  • Will connect with Jasmyn, and will have questions to put to individuals

  • Will have draft to review in the next week or so

  • There are hybrid protocol paper examples for these kinds of papers (type 3?) that combine research and implementation together – Janet will send over a couple examples

  • EPION panel submissions

  • We’ve submitted 2 panel submissions to the EPION conference

  • Family and Youth Advisory Committees might submit video clips

  • Find out in 3 or 4 weeks if the panels have been accepted to the conference

  • We may also think this conference as a way to have an in-person team meeting for those people attending EPION

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