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ECHO Project Planning Committee: June 3, 2019

In Attendance: Connie Letton, Dr. Melina Gosk, Tom Domjancic, Maurey Nadarajah, Cheryl Pereira, Sarah Bromley, Dr. Laura Williams, Dr. George Foussais, Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam, Eva Serhal, Sandy Brooks, Dayna Rossi, Chelsi Major



  • Schedule options for facilitator training 3-4 weeks prior to launch date.

  • Send separate ECHO Hub member invitation (to include debrief session from 1:00-1:30

  • Create doodle poll for Hub members for ECHO session observation

  • Connect with Cheryl and Jasmyn regarding the evaluation protocol and registration form

Hub Members

  • Fill out doodle poll regarding viewing an ECHO session (Tuesdays from 2-4) – link in body of email

  • Fill out the attached document with a core competency for each assigned curriculum topic


  • Discuss who will be a good fit for recommendation note taker, as Anindita is no longer here.

  • Connect with Latika regarding competencies – map it out from the in-person training



  • Accreditation – submitted, usually takes 8-10weeks

  • Immersion Training – Nicole, Harriet, and Connie attended the two day training.

  • All hub members will attend all ECHO sessions (since there are 3 physicians, 2 can sit on the side during the session as it may be overwhelming). They will still attend the meeting because they are only monthly – learning curve.

  • Curriculum Topics and order confirmed:

  1. Goal setting and goal follow-up

  2. Supported Employment and Education

  3. Family Education

  4. Medication Management

  5. Substances

  6. CBT Basics

  7. Maintaining Recovery

  8. Flex

  • Presentation content should be developed at least 2 weeks before the presentation date (it should include a few objectives to the curriculum)

  • iECHO (a forum in which they track the spread and scale of ECHO modules in the world. We will not include the EPI-SET ECHO – perhaps for the second iteration of the EPI-SET ECHO

  • Please see below for a brief overview of the EPI-SET ECHO session

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