ATTENDEES: Connie Letton, Dr. Melina Gosk, Sarah Bromley, Dr. Laura Williams, Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam, Eva Serhal, Jasmyn Cunningham, Jenny Hardy, Dr. Monica Choi, Chelsi Major
Connect with Maurey regarding Hub Member Training
Connect with Maurey and Jenny regarding Spoke orientation – provide dates to spoke members
Email Chelsi Faye and Yarissa’s core competencies
Email Chelsi case form modifications
Hub Members
Complete the core competencies for your topic
Follow up with accreditation submission
Connect with Legal regarding consent requirements for the EPI-SET ECHO
Acquire information regarding accreditation newsletter
Review ECHO’s and EPI-SET’s SoC with Cheryl – and send language to Jasmyn
Connect Chelsi with ECHO RA to review checklist
Decision regarding recommendation note taker
Submitted accreditation around 4 weeks ago, Sanjeev to follow up next week. Jenny to acquire information regarding the Newsletter.
Decision on recommendation note taker with George and Aristotle
Combine the facilitator training and a mock ECHO session for the hub members – a few weeks before the first ECHO session. Chelsi to connect with Maurey regarding this. Should take 2hr to train.
Send reminders to hub members to complete core competencies. Sarah has reached out to Faye and Yarissa for their competencies – Sarah to send Chelsi.
ECHO Ontario may be an opportunity after the grant is done
Eva working on Statement of Collaboration with New Mexico so they could generate a report – though not for this ECHO
Just reporting to the Ministry for this round of ECHO sessions
Keep the names and professions of the site staff separate, to avoid identifying information
Cheryl and Jenny to review ECHO’s Statement of Collaboration and EPI-SETs to see any discrepancies and add additional language if needed
Spoke orientation
Chelsi to connect with Maurey and Jenny regarding the spoke orientation. Provide 3 time slots for the sites to sign up. Covered under the amendments – to not share names
Give spokes a couple of dates to which they have to present a case – given as an expectation
Case Form
Sarah to send case form modification
Dates around registering people for presenting cases
What domains would be useful
List of diagnosis
Map it to the NAVIGATE roles
Wellness check
Who is involved – based on the NAVIGATE roles – for different clinicians to present their view of that client as well
What are the client’s current supports now
Patient care or implementation challenges – most likely will overlap
First Session
Hub members to present the first case as an example to the spoke members
Sanjeev and Nikki to be facilitators
Possibility of the director role as a hub member – Sarah
Jenny to connect with Chelsi with ECHO RA to go through checklist of ECHO tasks
Pre-evaluation, assessing knowledge and competency with all 20 topics. On a likert scale, assessing their confidence in a certain competency.
Eva to connect with Legal regarding consent requirements for the EPI-SET ECHO. A ‘not possible’ option may be introduced as it can be hard to obtain consent from clients who don’t frequent the clinic as often