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ECHO Planning Committee: April 8, 2019

ATTENDEES: Eva Serhal, Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam, Chelsi Major, Jasmyn Cunningham, Sarah Bromley, Cheryl Pereira, Dr. Milena Gosk, Tom Domjancic, Connie Letton, Dr. Nicole Kozloff, Dr. Monica Choi, Dr. George Foussias, Dr. Aristotle Voineskos


  • Chelsi → Follow up with Site Leads to: 1) confirm date / time for ECHO sessions; and 2) see where they are at with team reviews to inform curriculum development

  • Sarah → Circulate list of potential curriculum topics to clinicians for further review

  • Christine → Begin working on the accreditation application

  • Christine → Send Dr. Voineskos and Dr. Foussias: 1) sample ECHO ONMH learning objectives; 2) examples of ECHO ONMH recommendation documents; 3) ECHO ONMH end of year report

  • Dr. Voineskos, Dr. Foussias, and Dr. Sockalingam → Adapt learning objectives over email and continue to discuss who will do the recommendations role

  • Jasmyn → Share project linking information with Cheryl Pereira




  • Accreditation – this will be accredited through UofT for both Royal College and CFPC CPD credits. Christine will support this application.

  • Team Structure

  • Co-leads – Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam and Dr. Nicole Kozloff

  • Facilitator Role – will have 2-3 key facilitators that will rotate this roll. This will ensure continuity across the first cycle.

  • Evaluation – will align with Moore’s Framework. Focus on competencies by role (different from typical ECHO ONMH evaluation)


  • N/A


  • Launch – Tentatively July 23 but confirmation deferred until next meeting when we have a chance to follow up with site leads to confirm date/time.

  • Curriculum Topics – what components do we need to cover? Deferred until Sarah’s list of potential topics has been circulated and reviewed by the team.

  • Recommendation Role – deferred until the team has a better sense of what recommendations look like (Christine to send recommendation templates from our ECHOs)

  • Evaluation – how will this align with the PSSP evaluation? Will we carry forward some post-training questions?

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