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ECHO Planning Committee: March 11, 2019

In Attendance: Sarah Bromley, Harriet Eastman, Chelsi Major, Jasmyn Cunningham, Christine Mitchell

Chair: Christine Mitchell

Action Items:

  • Eva and Sanjeev → Follow up with Steering Committee re: project deliverables and governance. Clarity around these items will be critical for moving forward with our project planning.

  • Christine → Connect with ECHO ONMH team (Maurey) to identify what the sites need in terms of IT to participate actively (e.g., more webcams so that the group isn’t sitting around one laptop – the grant may be able to fill in gaps to a reasonable level).

  • Christine → Provide team with Eva’s implementation paper relating to ECHO as part of next the required reading for next meeting.


Decision Log:


  • Project roadmap and general requirements for key milestones

  • Start with monthly 60-minute sessions, and move to biweekly 90-minute sessions once the trainers leave in March 2020


  • N/A


Project deliverables – what does this ECHO need to deliver in relation to the grant? Deferred to the Steering Committee for further clarification. Key questions:

  • How do we know that this project is successful / working?

  • Are there reporting requirements?

  • Team structure and governance – a draft governance structure and decision making model was shared. Deferred to the Steering Committee for further clarity Key questions:

  • Will there be a lead for this ECHO?

  • How will decisions be made?

  • How will a changing Hub be incorporated into the governance structure?

  • How will the EPI-SET ECHO team communicate with the Implementation Committee and Steering Committee effectively and efficiently?

  • Start date – July 23 or 30? Deferred to next meeting.

  • Recommendations role – each session, a member of the team records the recommendations given in the session to the case presenter. Who will do this role? Deferred to later planning meetings when there is more clarity around team structure.

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