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Steering Committee: August 22, 2018

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

In attendance: Dielle Miranda, Derek Chechak, Sarah Bromley, Nandini Saxena, Sanjeev Sockalingam, George Foussias, Chelsi Major

Action Items

Community Partner Statement of Collaboration

  • Edits to Section G (Reports, Records, and Audits): Specific to the Clinician Contact- George and Sarah

  • Revise language in Section H (Publications and Use of Name and Materials) specifically around number 2 (‘formal collaboration with the Steering Committee’ and adding language around a timeline ‘after completion of the project’) - George, Nandini

  • Add to Section I (Project Activities) specifically around the Exploration and Installation phase –Nandini, George and Sarah

Committee Terms of Reference

  • Revise Implementation and Operational Committee roles – define scope for each committee (don’t want roles/scope to be overlapping) - Nandini

  • Edit the Gov. structure (accountability/reporting – everything flowing upwards), add a separate blurb for communications – bi directional in order to support accountability) - Dielle/Chelsi (Done)

Data Service Agreement

  • Outcome Table – how will the data be stored for the qualitative interviews? - Sanjeev to provide language

  • Outcome Table – check with Janet around the FEPS-FE does this go through the centralized team AND in regards to the Provider readiness, does this go through REDCAP – Janet

NAVIGATE Implementation Summary - Derek

  • Adding to the list of personnel at the bottom

  • Keeping ECHO line as is (not to add more)

Work Plan (to submit by September 5th) - George

Physician Calls - George

  • Chelsi to send out draft email to George to send out (including the dates). For Chelsi, George, and Aristotle to be on the call – Dielle will be away.

Need short project name/ acronym- Sanjeev/Aristotle

Durham REB Submission

  • Send email to site leads to identify local PI for Reb submission - specify that this would just be for the application and there would be NO added responsibilities - Dielle (Done)

North Bay REB Submission

  • Will update team next week (call this Thursday) – Dielle (Done)

Youth and Family Advisory Committee members - Sarah

  • Sarah to reach out to the sites to follow-up



Reviewed revised Community Partner Statement of Collaboration

  • Following sections were discussed and need further revision

  1. Section G (Data Indicators)

  2. Section H (Publications and Use of Name and Materials)

  3. Section I (Project Activities)

  • All other sections are ok- once the above edits have been made, the document looks good to be finalized.

Review revised Committee Terms of Reference with Gov. chart

  • Language will need some edits

  • Executive Committee description is good

  • There needs to be some differentiating between the Operational Implementation Sub-Committee and the Implementation Committee. For the sub-committee (PSSP/ECHO) have discussions with the Implementation Committee and translate overall implementation.

  • Decision Making portion – to keep the detail in case, even though it probably won’t be needed, it’s standard.

  • Gov Structure: to have a blurb on the Communication portion, state that it is all bi directional so it supports accountability. Make a gov structure for accountability/reporting, it flows upwards.

Review one-two page NAVIGATE Implementation Summary

  • Not to add anymore description about ECHO as all that information would be too confusing

  • The focus should be for now PSSP, to add ECHO in later on

Review first rough draft of Data Service Agreement

  • Section E (Privacy and Data) and Section F (Data Capture of Research) were reviewed – no edits proposed.

  • In terms of the qualitative interviews done through video conferencing/ECHO, it does not need to be in the Data Service Agreement as the participants give consent to it- but could add

  • Outcome Table

  1. To be added to the Data Service Agreement

  2. Qualitative interviews maybe stored in INVIVO or CAMH hard drive). All the other service outcomes would be in REDCAP

  3. Clinical Contact Forms: will be stored in REDCAP but there are 2 options of collecting the data (1) complete it live in REDCAP with automatic summary, with an option to cut and paste to put it in an electronic health record OR (2) completed on paper, clinician will scan a copy to CAMH which will then be entered in REDCAP; original paper can go into local chart.

  4. FEPS-FE: not the clinicians responsibility, the ratings on it would go towards the centralized research team – to check in with Janet about

  5. Provider Readiness: To do the consent and then go through to REDCAP – confirm with Janet

Work Plan for submission to REB – Dr. Foussias (budget section has been completed by Dielle)

  • Submit but September 5th

  • Sanjeev and George to review

Durham REB submission (submission to be done by CAMH, submission deadline Sept. 14th, review Oct 1st)

  • Call this Thursday

  • Need to identify local PI

North Bay REB submission

  • Call this Thursday, will update in next meeting

Monthly Touch-Case Calls w/sites have been scheduled

  • Every second Friday of the month

Physician call

  • To be scheduled 1st week of Sept- awaiting contact info from Niagara

  • George sending the email (Chelsi to send draft to George)

  • Aristotle and Chelsi to attend (Dielle will be away)

Follow-up with sites about Youth and Family advisory committee members

  • Agenda for next call w/sites

  • Send the flyer to the site, need to touch base – need advisory committee (Send email that you sent them to Sarah)

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