In attendance: Janet, Sarah, Alexia, Lillian, George, Sanjeev, Aristotle, Eva, Dielle, Nadia
Action Items:
1. NAVIGATE Manual Translation – Youth & Family Engagement
Look for contributors from TECC study - Dielle
Look for additional family members – Sarah - DONE
2. EPI-SET Timeline Graphic to be sent to sites prior to October 4/5 calls – Chelsi/Nadia - DONE
Administrative & Operational
1. ECHO Session Structure – Eva to send to Steering Committee - DONE
2. Budget - Steering committee to produce quarterly reviews – Dielle
3. Pre-Training call to be discussed at next meeting – George/Sarah
4. REB Lakeridge
Send copy of all measures – Chelsi
Change consent form - Chelsi
Launch Meeting
Send Melanie an email about attendance and presentation materials – Aristotle/Dielle
Post-launch meeting evaluation form – Sanjeev
Final Launch agenda and event reminder to be sent out October 10th – Nadia/Dielle
Meeting Minutes:
NAVIGATE Manual Translation
1. Goal is to make the manual more user friendly
2. Involve Youth Advisory Group & Final Members
Read through NAVIGATE manual, make suggestions for edits
Determine feasibility of edits (mostly for format, language, comprehension)
Transcription of edits (PSSP team for plain language work)
3. This process can start before finalizing the youth/family committees
4. Current status of youth/family engagement:
one person on board & Lillian’s involvement
Dielle to meet with TECC study for more contributors depending on interest
Sarah to look for family member
Other sites have started identifying family/youth members
5. Need to set up Central Youth Training Process to orient participants
6. Timeline:
End of October 2018 → core group of youth/family participants established
Revised manual ready for February 2019
Youth & family members to be added to contact list
NAVIGATE Training & Implementation Support Calls
1. Training Structure – George/Sarah
In-person training and year of support calls
Starts every 2 weeks and then starts to spread out (1-hour long calls)
Call with lead trainer October 3rd, 2018 – update to follow
Building capacity for IRT component of training
2. Schedule weekly video call with all sites →some calls for ECHO and some NAVIGATE trainers for support piece.
Administrative and Operational
Budget & Reporting
Detailed budget was submitted during grant submission
Oversight → 2 levels:
CIHR Funding Agency → minimal oversight
CAMH Finance Office → more involved
CAMH contributes more to spending oversight. In-kind support is monitored by contributing organizations.
Reports submitted to CAMH Foundation.
The grant is matched → 50% cash, 50% in-kind contributions (e.g., PSSP & ECHO)
Internal - produce quarterly reviews of our spending based on CAMH fiscal year (April – March)
First year will probably have a grant lag → under-spending.
If funds are not spent, they need to be returned to funders.
CIHR provided 1.5 million and an additional 1.5 million was matched.
Hospital reporting, hospital foundation reporting and CIHR reporting cycles are not matched.
Steering committee to produce quarterly reviews of main category spending (e.g., personnel, supplies, travel)
REB Updates:
Durham-Lakeridge REB Concerns
Consent issue → qualitative interview guide asks family member to provide details about the participant, but participant has not consented to this
We can ask the participant if they are ok with these types of questions.
Conclusion → change the consents
Launch Meeting (Oct 16th)
Fidelity Component
Situate this work in its broader context - Janet
Highlight fidelity challenges in general, emerging area in the field of quality of care
Discuss challenges experienced in the US & Ontario
Fidelity is one of the imperatives of our study and a measure of implementation effectiveness and sustainability
12:30-1:00PM NAVIGATE Implementation – half of this session will provide explanation and the other half is reserved for questions
Launch Agenda Revisions:
30 minutes dedicated to discuss Implementation & Sustainability (2:45-3:15)→ opportunity to discuss questions relating to the site readiness assessment and establish engagement with sites
30 minutes added to the end to wrap, answer general questions, and engage in discussion (4:30-5:00)
We will have follow-up calls to address site follow-up questions about site readiness elements in the excel spreadsheet
Core meeting time should be used to address conversational/narrative questions (i.e., landscape) and engagement with sites
Room capacity is 40
May implement annual meeting for EPI-SET
To invite PSSP local knowledge brokers