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Steering Committee: October 3, 2018

In attendance: Paul, Lillian, Sarah, Nandini, Alexia, Christine, Nadia, Chelsi, Dielle, Aristotle, Eva, George

Action Items

Fidelity Plan

Identify assessor for fidelity review – Sarah to follow up with her clinican going to training


  • Pre-training orientation: Determine content and materials required for calls –Sarah and George

  • Site Readiness Assessment Worksheet – Chelsi to email

Administrative and Operational

1. Finalize edits with the Statement of Collaboration -- Nandini

2. Finalize edits with the Data Service Agreement – Dielle and Nicole

3. Update project timeline

  • Begin contract process – Dielle (email Janaki)

  • Contact NAVIGATE trainers this Friday -- George and Sarah

4. REB submission update – Chelsi

  • Email Carolynn and Yvonne for confirmation

5. Finalize study acronym – Chelsi to send out options

  • EPI NAV: Forward (Early Psychosis Intervention NAVIGATE: Forward)

  • EPI-SET (Early Psychosis Intervention – Spreading Evidence-Based Treatment)

  • EPI- YES (Early Psychosis Intervention in Youth and Emerging-adult Services)

Launch Meeting (Oct 16th)

Finalize launch agenda and speakers

  • Reach out to Patrick Mitchell– Aristotle

  • Email Simone about slides (Sophie or Aristotle can showcase her slides at launch) – Dielle

  • Reach out to Jean about presenting – Dielle



Fidelity Plan

1. Discuss implantation/fidelity/evaluation time points/plan

2. Identify assessor for fidelity review – staff interviews (Training on September 28th)

  • Sarah has a clinican going to a training but it is a lot of time for her to allocate of her clinical time

  • The fidelity review will take 80 hrs across the sites (baseline, middle, and end)

  • Nancy – we would have to bill so may not be an option

  • Would be both the interview and the chart reviews for baselines, mid, and end (remote piece) --> Sarah to follow up around this piece

  • First option is Sarah’s clinician Nancy would be too expensive


Site Readiness Assessment Worksheet – send to Derek

Administrative and Operational

1. Finalize recent edits by Alexia/Nandini/Janet- Statement of Collaboration (final sign off on all documents)

  • PSSP can coordinate and edit the videos …. But maybe it should be an online module ...

  • Education slaight centre process

  • Meeting with Sanjeev on Friday to discuss

  • Remove detail regarding the video taping of the trainings (keep it board)

2. Finalize recent edits by Janet – Data Service Agreement (final sign off on all documents)

  • Review project timeline

  • CAMH team develops communication plans to describe the exploration process to sites – This is the one page summary

  • NAVIGATE 8 calls (of just IRT content) start after the launch – completed by December

  • Need to have the contracts will start with them for this Friday (need to avoid them to make contracts with each of the sites .. the contract needs to just be with us)

  • On Friday (George and Sarah – in contact with the NAVIGATE training) – to include PSSP

  • Fidelity review to be completed by December

  • Fidelity assessment done before the training

  • Site readiness to be done by the end of November (site visit) December (to be fuly completed and collected data)

REB submission update – Chelsi

  • Draft email to Carolynn and Yvonne to see if they received our REB submission sent on sept 14th

Finalize study acronym

  • EPI NAV: Forward (Early Psychosis Intervention NAVIGATE: Forward)

  • EPI-SET (Early Psychosis Intervention – Spreading Evidence-Based Treatment)

  • EPI- YES (Early Psychosis Intervention in Youth and Emerging-adult Services)

Launch Meeting (Oct 16th)

Finalize launch agenda and speakers --Dielle

  • Patrick Mitchell to speak around ?? high level processes (Patrick Mitchell) – Aristotle will respond

  • OSSU someone to speak – is there a role for any of them? Paul would like Vasanthi to speak if she is coming as it would be a good opportunity for both her and Patrick to show the effectiveness of the grant (small amount of time 10 minutes for Patrick and 10 minutes for Vasanthi)

  • Reach out to Simone about the slides (Sophie or Aristotle can showcase her slides if anything) – To email and get slides

  • Training for OSSU next week on Thursday

  • Melanie to involve her – in the operational/measurement side of it

  • To reach out to Jean about presenting – Dielle to email and cc. George and Aristotle

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