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Steering Committee: October 10, 2018

In attendance: Alexia, Paul, Sanjeev, Janet, Chelsi, Dielle, Nadia

Action Items:


  • Clarify options for NAVIGATE manual translation into French – Sanjeev

  • Update Implementation Timeline → Located in the T:Drive – T:\Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition\Slaight Research Projects\Study folders\SPOR\Shared Folder (EPI-SET)

  • Merge Alexia’s questions into one broad section – Nadia - DONE

  • Revise sections 3.3 – Janet

  • Identify candidates for Youth & Family advisory committees for manual translation – Dielle/Sarah

Administrative & Operational

  • Legal agreement with participating sites merges data sharing agreement and statement of collaboration – Nadia/Dielle

  • Review ICES Portion of the agreement (Section 12) – Paul

  • Will be forwarded by Nadia/Dielle

Launch Meeting

  • Evaluation – Sanjeev

  • NAVIGATE Coaching, Training & Support Timeline – Sanjeev, Alexia, George, Sarah

  • Produce overarching diagram of the sequence of support, coaching and training sessions

  • Figure in PSSP Launch Slides (Slide 14) → who is providing which kind of support and when?

  • Coordination of slide information

  • Hard deadline for slide submission is Friday October 12th, 2018

  • Any last minute items can be sent to Nadia/Chelsi/Dielle


Meeting Minutes:


1. Project Implementation Timeline Updates

  • Sections 2.1 and 2.3 to be subsumed into Implementation Landscape Qualitative Assessment

  • 1.5.1 - RMT will be delivered via an online survey (October – December 2018) – PSSP

  • 1.5.5 – Echo pre-test knowledge and skills survey → specifically related to the content of NAVIGATE and assessments of competencies and self-efficacy

  • RMT is evaluated by PSSP at a managerial level

  • ECHO pre-test knowledge and skills survey will be administered at clinician, provider, and service user level

  • Section 3.3 to be revised to reflect updates on the monitoring and evaluation plan (Janet) – review timeframe to be established

  • Fidelity reviews to occur at baseline, midpoint and endpoint

2. Implementation Landscape – PSSP, ECHO & Fidelity (October – December 2018)

  • All components to execute separate readiness assessments

  • Each will have its own point-person

3. NAVIGATE Training & Coaching & ECHO Support

  • Establish sequence of training components after initial 2.5 day in-person training session

  • Coaching calls by NAVIGATE team will continue after the in-person training

  • The timeframe has not yet been established (George/Sarah to provide update from NAVIGATE trainers)

  • First component is coached by NAVIGATE → skills, knowledge and content delivery

  • ECHO will initiate support after NAVIGATE coaching

  • Create overarching diagram to understand each team member’s involvement with training and support: who is providing what kind of support and when?

  • PSSP Launch slides contain a draft diagram to visualize the timeline of support → sites are requesting this information

  • How frequent are NAVIATE coaching calls and for how long? ECHO call frequency with sites can be flexible.

Administrative and Operational:

1. Agreement with Sites

  • Legal has merged the Data Service Agreement & Statement of Collaboration into one document with additional legal components (confidentiality, IP, liability, insurance, etc)

  • Agreement requires additional review – Paul to be consulted for ICES component as REBs/sites have questions about this piece

2. REB Updates:

  • Waiting to hear from Durham

Launch Meeting (Oct 16th):

1. Final launch invitation is being sent today (Oct. 10, 2018)

2. Implementation and Sustainability Plan (2:00PM-2:45PM)

  • Add all slides into one deck

  • Formula for success form PSSP slides dictates order of presentation

3. NAVIGATE model is being addressed (George/Aristotle slides)

4. Only handout will be the launch agenda

5. Slides will be made available after the launch

6. Sanjeev is developing the evaluation form. Aims/objectives:

  • 1 – Get to know each other

  • 2 – Be familiar and comfortable with the scope of the project and what it entails

  • 3 – Have some sense of the next steps

7. Simone Dahrouge will be presenting via videoconference

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