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Steering Committee: November 7, 2018

In attendance: Aristotle, Sarah, Nandini, Eva, Lillian, Janet, Dielle, Nadia, Chelsi

Action Items:

REB & Contracts:

  • North Bay & Durham REB → Follow-up on responses – Dielle

  • Niagara REB comments to be circulated to SC for review - Dielle

  • Send contracts to North Bay, Niagara & Durham – Dielle

  • Follow-up with Karleigh about youth/family involvement at each site & consult the YouthCan Impact Model – Dielle

  • Follow-up with trainer contracts – Janaki/Dielle

  • RMT intake forms - Nadia

Governance Structure & Committees:

  • Circulate draft governance structure to sites with sub-committees for SC comments – Chelsi/Dielle

Pre-Training & Training

  • Address site questions on monthly call on Nov 9 – Sarah/Chelsi

  • Update on CBT for pre-training – Sarah

  • Pre-training time conflict with Niagara → reach out to Piper about flexibility – Janaki/Chelsi

  • Reach out to Eva about technology recommendations for calls – Chelsi

  • Look into CS Room 853 for pre-training calls (ECHO compatible) – Nadia/Chelsi

  • Calendar hold for Steering Committee members for in-person 2.5 NAVIGATE day training – Chelsi/Nadia |Confirm prescriber dates → calendar hold for all physicians – Nadia/Chelsi

  • Inform trainers that they will use the ECHO model for post-training calls – Sarah


  • Send ECHO session recording - Eva




  • Durham REB revisions sent on Monday Nov 5, 2018 → awaiting response

  • North Bay REB reviewing revisions → awaiting response

  • Niagara REB Call on Nov 7 2018 to address comments

  • All site agreement contracts are prepared → only sent to Sudbury because of REB approval, other sites will receive contracts in the next week

  • Advisory Committee → interested youth member for advisory and steering committee

  • Karleigh, coordinator at the McCain Family Centre, will help with the centralized training process

  • Family member of Slaight client is also interested (referral from Carolynn at OSSU)

  • Sufficient local youth and family members recruited → need to identify youth and family members.

  • Need to start gauging family/youth interest at sites and explain the commitments required → consult YouthCAN Impact model

  • KE Plan → Nandini to develop high-level overview of key project points and stakeholder that will map against the implementation plan → results to be shared with SC when ready


  • Implementation committee meetings to start once governance structure is updated

  • Draft of governance structure with operational sub-committees to be circulated for feedback and then to be populated by members based on expertise/project contribution.

  • Implementation and Youth & Family Advisory Committees are current priorities

Pre-Training & Training

  • Janaki → contracts

  • Niagara issue with pre-training times → determine if Piper has flexibility to accommodate a different pre-training time for Niagara

  • Pre-training to start the week of November 21st 2018

  • In-person training → Feb 6-8, 2019

  • Determine if CS Room 853 could be used for pre-training calls

  • Incorporation of CBT training to bring everyone to the same knowledge level as part of pre-training – Sarah to provide updates

  • Manual translation is on hold


1. Different from telemedicine → highly collaborative problem-solving, less prescriptive, highly interactive

2. Too much HUB involvement decreases engagement of the spoke/community sites → requires culture shift on both ends to adapt to the model

3. Need to determine framework for our EPI-SET ECHO (roles, structure, content, etc)

4. Using ECHO model for post-training calls is an option

5. Discuss with trainers that they will be using a different model (ECHO) to build and sustain a community of practice

6. Post-Training vs. ECHO Call Differentiation

  • Post-training calls last for 1 year

  • May be occasions for specific post-training calls for skills/competency training and separate ECHO capacity building calls

  • Once implementation of the model happens → full ECHO sessions to start

  • 6 month trialing/refining phase → start phasing in ECHO for specific interventions when sites start NAVIGATE cases

7. Standardized process of building an ECHO → requires 4-6 months to build curriculum

8. Trainers to be included in ECHO calls

9. ECHO component should be prepared by mid-April

10. Each site should track new cases and what modules are being completed at each sites prior to ECHO calls

  • Information to be gathered through a simple weekly survey prior to the ECHO calls which outlines didactic and presentation component

  • Survey results be consolidated for the trainers prior to the case presentation

11. Need to identify structure of our ECHO calls and roles and HUB members

Fidelity Updates:

  • First preparation call on Nov 7 2018 with Mary Hanna – sites were engaged

  • Mary Hanna will be one of the fidelity assessors

  • Calls scheduled for the remainder rest of the week

  • Chart review → December

  • Interviews → December & January – dates not firmly established yet (connect with Rebecca Oliveira)

  • Fidelity component directly connected with Dr. Don Addington → following his methodology

  • Melanie Barwick is also involved

  • PSSP will pay for readiness tool – working through contract (Emily Ng)

  • Perform RMT after the in-person training (February/March)

  • Overlap between Fidelity and pre/post ECHO assessments → determine if these questions can be incorporated into Fidelity RMT at a later date

EPION-NAVIGATE Collaboration

  • Janet mentioned an opportunity for a research collaboration with EPION → potential for data sharing on fidelity assessments

  • Project leads from both parties would need to work out the details and a data sharing agreement → arrange future meeting

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