In attendance: Aristotle, Lillian, Eva, George, Janet, Dielle, Nadia, Chelsi
Action Items:
Create list of all Protocol and TAHSN updates before submitting an REB amendment (Fidelity measures in TAHSN (CAMH and sites), ADDIS, DUP, ePRO) – Nadia/Chelsi
Finish Piper’s new contract – Dielle
Arrange Zoom or in-person meeting with Dr. Carolyn Steele Gray at Bridgepoint to demo ePRO goal attainment tool – George
Follow-up with Jean Addington about DUP measures – Dielle
Contact Slaight Family member for advisory committee (OSSU recommendation) – Dielle
Establish agenda for youth advisory committee and start meetings – Dielle/Karleigh
Need to determine who has executive privilege, voting rules, tie-breaks, etc. in governance meetings – SC
Update governance structure – Nadia/Chelsi
Pre-Training & Training
IRT modules need to be linked into the pre-training invitation – Chelsi
Put calendar holds for new potential in-person training dates (Feb 13-14-15 2019) – Chelsi
Send slides about ECHO model Hub structure and example of operations team versus clinical team with their respective roles - Eva
Sudbury Site Update:
Sudbury site interested in leaving the study → concerns regarding FTEs, caseloads, staffing changes and work loads
Site lead (Anne-Marie) is interested in research and the project
Call Nov 15 2018 at 11:30AM to address the situation
Manager → Amanda Conrad
Possibility to put the site on hold and to bring it up at a later date or have a different sites join down the line
1. North Bay → 2 follow-up emails sent, no responses received
2. Niagara → responses to REB comments sent to site lead (Krista Whittard), the site wants to understand implications and impact of the project
3. Durham → we sent the full REB package.
Clinical lead (Sheila Gallagher) expressed concerns about starting pre-training and fidelity pieces before REB.
Yvonne, REB manager, will meet for full-board review on December 3rd, 2018
Yvonne indicated that we can start with implementation component without REB approval because this constitutes an exploration phase → we have received this approval in writing
Durham Fidelity evaluations will be staggered at the end of fidelity assessments and they will be able to partake in pre-training calls
Fidelity Assessments
All Fidelity assessment measures are in the approved Protocol
Fidelity measures are not fully addressed in TAHSN (only reference to the protocol), which focuses on human subject level research
Fidelity measures can be added to TAHSN once all amendments are incorporated.
All site contracts have been sent and are under review
Measures Updates
Dr. Carolyn Steele Grey at Bridgepoint is the contact for the ePRO tool to measure goal attainment as part of quality of life assessments (original suggestion from Eddy Nason)
We can arrange a meeting in person or via zoom to demo the tool with the team
Jean to provide updates for DUP measures
ADDIS used in Miner’s Lamp study → to be added as substance use measure
All protocol updates to be submitted together for next REB amendment
Youth/Family Committees
Local → 1 youth to join steering committee and 1 to join advisory committee
Youth member at Niagara is currently receiving services – not eligible (on hold)
2 more from North Bay → waiting to hear back from them
Karleigh is creating an agenda for next steps for youth advisory committee (terms of reference, governance structure) and will provide training and support.
Committees to start with 4-5 members until the remainder join
Pre-Training & Training
Dates have changed to Tuesday from 12PM-1PM → Starting Nov. 21 2018
North Bay and Durham have confirmed. Niagara has not responded.
Durham → 4 staff can’t make the first call (call can be recorded through Zoom)
Calendar invites sent out for the next year so that timing can be reserved for post-training calls
New potential dates for in-person training → February 13-14-15 2019 → Janaki to confirm these dates with trainers
Training Sustainability Plan for Navigate Competencies
Development of NAVIGATE competency certification → could be online or in-person
This could serve for CAMH staff and sites on an annual basis
Create partnerships with education department
Online options allow us to overcome barriers to include more rural areas
CAMH could provide a provincial training hub for NAVIGATE competencies and pilot this training for CAMH and EPI-SET sites
Education experts need to be consulted to distil in-person training to create a learning and training tool for future training sessions → Sanjeev
ECHO to also play a role in sustaining NAVIGATE competencies through smaller teaching pieces
Governance Structure
1. Operational Committees = Central Hub
2. Rename → Implementation & Sustainability Committee
3. Executive team (PIs and PAs) is not a separate entity but can be used to make executive level decisions when necessary/uncertain situations
4. Site representation on the governance structure
Site leads and clinician leader on the implementation and sustainability committees.
Fidelity assessors may also be representatives from the sites.
They will also be represented through the youth and advisory committees.
ECHO Roles
ECHO Hub Members – typically 5 members, identify roles (note takers, librarian, facilitator, physicians, clinicians, moderators, etc)
We will need to rotate ECHO Hub members (ex. residents)
Potentially hire RA/RC for ECHO component