Please see below for the action items and minutes from the September 25th Steering Committee Meeting.
In Attendance: Augustina, Dielle Abanti, Laura, Andrea, Sanjeev, Alexia, Lillian, Sandy Burke (in place of Janet), Aristotle, Sarah, George, Nicole
Send ECHO post-call surveys to attendees – Abanti completed
Schedule reminder for Feb 2020 to find time in March to start ECHO planning meetings – Abanti
Follow-up with Durham and Niagara to sign up for October ECHO case presentation – Abanti
Send Sanjeev pre and post ECHO survey data from session 1 – Dielle/Abanti
Confirm list of attendees, current roles and NAV roles from WW and Sudbury –Sandy/Dayna
Next implementation call- remind sites about clinical tracking form/ local IS leads to train sites on the database– Laura/Dielle/PSSP
SEE calls need to be scheduled and coordinated with trainer and sites – PSSP- in progress
Scheduling and organizing all the pre-training webinars – and communicating to the sites and which clinicians on what calls etc- PSSP/Dayna- in progress
Remind sites about recruiting FAC and YAC members – PSSP- in progress
Follow-up on project plan to track activities/milestones for FAC and YAC members - Dielle/Laura/Andrea/pending
Niagara was not in attendance, Alan from PSSP would reach out locally to Niagara to see if there was any issues
Sanjeev suggested we give sites until end of day Monday to sign up for case presentations- email sample case presentation form (from session 2) so they can use it as a template
Send specifics and details about vendors for IT to Durham and NB for purchase – Laura
Didactic slides and recommendations from Sept 24th ECHO will be uploaded to EPI-SET website once received by Nicole and Sanjeev
Schedule of in-person training to be circulated to the team once confirmed and finalized with the trainers- Dielle
Pre training webinar calls (to be taped) are being finalized- Sarah/Dielle
Dielle/Sarah to follow up with trainers about SEE and prescribers calls
PSSP to assist with coordinating the pre-training webinar calls with the new sites and the SEE calls with the current sites
Implementation calls two Wednesdays each month (20 mins each) rather than one longer call every third Wednesday of the month? Which site leads should join calls going forward? And which two Wednesdays of the month?
Site leads to join to resolve issues that come up regularly instead of waiting long periods of time to resolve issues and minimize email traffic – not adding more time to calls
Will bring forward some proposals and see what people have to say about this new schedule – Dayna to follow up and revise outlook invite
Alexia to send evaluations for the calls at halfway mark
Interest from other EPI organizations to join study – we will have them join at next training date
YAC agenda finalized and meeting information set out to members – meeting on Friday
New potential YAC member and will bring updates to next SC meeting
giving quick updates and monthly survey - feedback should be provided before end of month
Going forward, to have an annual meeting with each measurement committee with FAC/YAC members to provide input regarding main outcome measures
If patient partners are interested in formal engagement training they can reach out to local services that provide this service – another training at this time not feasible
Karleigh should have manual on patient partner engagement training – if team members are interested can follow up
Laura will create a master schedule and circulate to presenters once finalized, will include:
Presentation times
guidance and support for site leads for their presentation
research team to support engagement presentation as many individuals involved – Divya/Simone
Add data from ECHO and implementation to second day presentation
Presentation content needs to be finalized and calendar holds updated once info acquired – Dielle
Contract amendment submitted to Durham last week
Amendments for the other sites are in progress – added ECHO language provided by Sanjeev and Eva
Four members of research team completed UAT for REDCap and some things need to be fixed
Finalize safety SOP based on sites and PSSP feedback and discuss UAT for REDCap at next Patient Measures and Outcomes meeting – George/Dielle/Abanti
Reminder- Next Wednesday/October 2, 2019 is the Project Team call