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Steering Committee: September 18, 2019

In Attendance: Aristotle, Augustina, Dielle, George, Janet, Lillian, Nicole, Sanjeev, Sarah, Abanti, Andrea, Laura


  • Find presenter for October ECHO – Dielle/Abanti

  • Schedule a flag in Feb to find a time in March to have ECHO planning meeting – Sarah

  • Email to Dayna giving timeline of when we will obtain current and NAV roles for WW – Dielle

  • Review feedback from sites re: safety SOP at next patient measures meeting with George and Sarah– Dielle/Abanti

  • Connecting with Augustina to build agenda together for the next YAC meeting – Dielle/Andrea

  • Send calendar holds for EPION panels and Nov 18th training – Dielle completed

  • Follow up on project plan to track activities/milestones for FAC and YAC members? – Dielle/Laura/Andrea

  • Follow-up on extending the calls to June 2020 so sites can have the 15 calls as planned (piper’s contract ends Jun 2020) - Dielle

  • Follow-up on extending the family calls to account for any missed calls? –Dielle/Laura




  • Abanti Tagore to be supporting Steering Committee, ECHO and Patient Measures and Outcomes

  • Laura Grennan to be supporting Family Advisory Committee, Implementation Committee and Post Training Calls

  • Andrea Alves to be supporting Youth Advisory Committee, ECHO and Service Measures and Outcomes


  • Kelsey Gamble presenting didactic and case presentation at Sept 24th ECHO

  • Scheduled EPI-SET ECHOs: North Bay: November and April, Niagara: January, Durham: March

  • Potential solution: start assigning sites to presentations going forward?

  • IT infrastructure: camera for Durham and laptop for North Bay

  • Quality improvement and ECHO planning should be done at the end of each debrief – otherwise should meet in March to plan for the next cycle


  • Current roles for WW and Sudbury are confirmed and implementation planning ongoing at these sites to identify NAV roles

  • Sarah and George requested to have pre-training webinars second week of November, no specific date yet – to ensure everyone completes mandatory readings as IRT material is content heavy

  • Two post training webinars to be scheduled for specific modules that trainers don’t have time to go over

  • No confirmation received that prescriber training will happen Nov 18th afternoon, must be communicated to the physicians

  • Invite full study team (old and new site leads) to breakfast on Nov 18th training:

  • First half hour: update on current operations, what we’ve achieved and how to structure things

  • Next hour: next steps and planning

  • Last half hour: convey the impact and importance of all site contributions to this project


  • Add new sites to director calls going forward, not having more calls

  • Research team members (either the sites or navigate trainers) should be on the director calls to mediate the challenges and frustrations – Sarah or implementation team member?

  • Potential Solutions: Reschedule the call if no one on our team is there; Two calls/month instead? – frequent briefer sessions than one long session


  • Dayna working to translate fliers to French, will notify group of completion date

  • IS’s have introduced the database to the sites in preparation, and a mock sample has been sent out with the meeting agenda.

  • PSSP is actively working with the site leads to identify how metrics are currently getting pulled for clinical tracking forms, and populating the tracking form – to be completed within the next week.


  • FAC members are curious of outcome measures and how they were chosen; currently not seeing how it all comes together and needs someone from research team to attend and explain

  • Potential solution: on an annual basis, scientific leads would come and meet with the groups– 4/12 meetings would be related to specific concrete updates in those domains

  • FAC members inquired about what happens with the patients after the 3 years of the service is over and the patients still need to be seen by someone. When does NAVIGATE end?

  • Can explain that service providers will only see patients for 3 years, in order to get new patients into NAVIGATE, we have to transition to family doctor or other specialized services

  • We are advocating for a permanent source of funding for ongoing training for clinicians in EPI care – this study’s outcome is not focused on the duration of care


  • Day 1: 3pm – 4pm: outcome measures

  • Day 2: 11am – 12pm: implementation and training

  • Sites should create report of how close their experience was in terms of ours regarding implementation – Sarah in organize?

  • Augustina/Lilian to work with Divya/Simone on importance and mandate, convey that we’re doing the measurements properly

  • During last 5 minutes of the presentation: discuss measurement scales, frequency of measurements, and experiential materials

  • Sanjeev to discuss challenges, solutions and updates from ECHO

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