In Attendance: Aristotle, Augustina, Dayna, Dielle, George, Janet, Kevan, Lillian, Nicole, Sanjeev, Sarah, Sophie, Paul
Impact Summary for Ministry- Dielle
Connect with site leads regarding physician attendance on ECHO and Prescriber calls- Aristotle/George
Schedule/Coordinate SEE calls with sites and trainers- connect with Shirley for dates/times- Dayna
Reach out to Kelsey regarding onboarding for ECHO – Dielle
Connect with sites re: IT equipment for patient measures (NB) and ECHO sessions (Durham)- sites to buy options provided by CAMH and then invoice EPI-SET- Dielle
Confirm Nov training schedule with trainers - Sarah and George
Send calendar holds to sites and EPI-SET team for the Nov training- Dielle/Dayna
Reach out to Susan regarding option for dates/times for post training calls – George & Sarah
Andrea Alves started on Monday/September 9th
New RAs will be supporting specific committees
Dielle to send an email to the full team introducing the RA and their roles in each committees.
Sudbury REB annual renewal was submitted Tuesday/September 12th
REB revisions for other 3 sites- in progress
Waterloo REB was submitted in August- Dielle to follow-up with Kim
Dayna to remind sites about SOP protocol and provide deadline so we can begin patient measures once the database UAT is completed- UAT to be completed by Sept 20th.
Translation of fliers to French/ North Bay was also inquiring about French translation of NAVIGATE handouts - Alexia is leading this piece. PSSP has reached out to the manager for strategic partnership and engagement, and is waiting for a response re: the fliers.
Dayna has reached out to the current and new sites to obtain information about staff current roles and NAV roles
Dayna to reach out to Niagara regarding SEE calls and find out when the SEE worker will be starting.
Thunder Bay will attend the training in NOV- they will not be part of the research study but receive all components of EPI-SET except the patient measures objective- TB will join ECHO sessions and will also receive a scaled back version of fidelity assessment.
Discussion regarding sites obligation if they receive NAVIGATE training- Thunder Bay’s contract –should include a clear set of expectations for both organizations
Training on access database (for clinical referral tracking) for the clinical teams will done by local Implementation Specialist
One page impact summary report to be prepared for ministry which will include :
How many clinicians/physicians have been trained to date; how many new staff will be trained in Nov
How many patients have received NAVIGATE
Fidelity results
Update on first ECHO session
Update on patient and family advisory committees
Dielle to prepare draft and send for review.
Reminder email has been sent to the prescribers letting them know that the calls have dropped from 60 mins to 30 mins; from November the calls are every other month
Kevan to send list of physician attendees on the Sept 12th call.
IS team to inform the sites leads that we have modified the prescriber calls timings to ensure attendance-
SC team to decide if we reach out to them via email individually or as a group or do we have a call?
Next session Sept 24th. Peter will no longer be involved with ECHO because schedule conflict
Kelsey has agreed to take over. Dielle will reach out to Maurey to schedule a training session for Kelsey.
Option1 - $400 – all in one microphone. Webcam that pans 70 degrees. HD video 30 frames/second. Captures voice within 8 feet
Option2 - $1800 – conference solution for larger rooms; provides 90-degree view; can attach external mics
$400 seems feasible and will work well.
Decision made to test it out with one site first- Durham
Sites will purchase the microphone and can invoice EPI-SET; sites will be responsible for maintenance and can keep the equipment.
Need to buy one laptop for North Bay (patient measures)
Training finalized for November 18th
Sarah and George are confirming the schedule with trainers
Calendar hold will be sent to the sites for the full day
Nov training will only include in-person training for new sites and new staff from current sites- No booster training in Nov- booster sessions will be done annually- possibly next fall for all sites.