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Steering Committee: September 16, 2020


  • Invite Simone to an upcoming meeting to discuss reports timeline – Andrea

  • Follow up with Dr. Crawford regarding e-NAVIGATE hiring – Dr. Kozloff

  • Connect with Dr. Durbin on Fidelity requirements for e-NAV study – Dr. Kozloff

  • Follow-up with Dr. Monica Choi regarding ECHO training – Abanti/Brannon



REB - Durham meeting update

  • Dr. Voineskos explained that adding COVID measures to the existing study is important to understand our data in the context of the pandemic and how it may affect our participants’ symptoms/functioning

  • Currently awaiting a response


Thunder Bay update

  • PSSP is supporting the team by meeting weekly since July and re-doing clinical logistics assessment, site –level coaching plan, etc.

  • The team has created care pathways for all interventions

  • Clinicians are very motivated ; Joy and Tiffany have had a great impact

  • The team is hosting a NAV party in October to showcase the work that has been done!

  • The current focus is on preparing for data capture; meeting with team tomorrow

  • Dielle, Andrea and Brannon are attending check-in in early October for onboarding and then they will be ready to start referring clients for research

Advisory Committees

Engagement Evaluation

  • Andrea met with Simone to touch base on engagement assessments

  • Will invite Simone to an upcoming meeting to discuss reports timeline


  • Planning for meeting next week

  • Things are going really well


  • Planning engagement opportunities for FAC members to attend October ECHO session

  • Family members are interested in participating in Family Education programs across the sites to discuss participation in research

Patient Measures

  • Total Referrals received: 45 (Durham: 22; NB: 6; Niagara: 11; Waterloo: 3; Sudbury:1)

  • Baseline completed: 21 (Durham: 10; NB: 4, Niagara: 5; Waterloo: 1; Sudbury: 1);

  • 6-month F/U completed: 2 – more to be scheduled in mid-October

  • Upcoming Participants: 1 scheduled next week

  • Problem-solving and working with site clinicians to connect with clients and assist with rescheduling

e-NAVIGATE Study Update – Dr. Kozloff

  • Dr. Kozloff and Dr. Tempelaar met earlier this week to start working on knowledge translation ideas

  • The proposal was submitted in July and within the first month of funding, knowledge translation plan is required

  • Advantage of being embedded in the larger project is to share our findings with the other NAV sites

  • Hiring: we have a budget for a 1.0 FTE RA and 0.5 FTE Project Coordinator

    • Are there any other projects that also have a 0.5 Coordinator that this could align with?

    • Coordinator should have expertise in virtual care already and the other role would be more research-related

    • Dr. Kozloff will reach out to Dr. Crawford about this

    • Aiming to have REB submission in by Oct 1st

    • Study start-up meeting usually happens after REB approval but because in this case a lot of the work is looking at routinely collected data – should have 1 hour meeting soon and then decide which meetings work best (15 mins each week, 30 mins bi-weekly).

    • Will need Co-PIs engaged in these meetings

    • Andrea has sent invites to Dr. Crawford and Dr. Barwick; Dr. Kozloff reached out to explain purpose of these meetings

    • Any ideas about how to promote buy-in from clinical team to participate in training activities?

    • Work with Sarah and Seharish on this

    • The 1C move also offers an opportunity because clinicians will be getting training boost so can use this as an engagement opportunity

    • Janet and team are currently planning next wave of EPION assessments

    • More staff are joining to conduct assessments

    • Knowing the needs for this project could help to take advantage of the additional staff

    • Fidelity assessments were included in the CIHR budget

    • Janet’s team has planned assessments to occur once per month starting in November

    • For e-NAV the proposed timeline had assessments occurring in spring when virtual care is in adopted phase; will check back about this

    • Have not yet heard back from UofT (2 year award)


  • First ECHO session is this Friday

  • Durham has provided their case presentation information

  • Didactic presentation has been received from hub members

  • Sanjeev attended the Family Advisory Committee and was able to provide understanding of how ECHOs are used, and family members are interested in attending ECHO session.

  • May also consider having a family member on the hub officially as this has been part of other ECHOs as well. Can think of this for the next phase.

Leadership transition

  • This is an opportunity for people to evolve into their own leadership roles

  • Waiting for confirmation but generally the plan is bringing in new people who have not been on ECHO team in past.

  • Monica Choi has been prescriber role on project from beginning.

  • Hoping that Monica will agree to take on the ECHO Co-Lead role.

  • Wanda is also leading the e-NAVIGATE grant

  • There would be a transition plan once we confirm this

  • Dr.Kozloff will stay on the ECHO team as long as needed to help facilitate the transition

  • Dr. Choi was part of early ECHO discussions and has been participating and engaged. This is looking to be smoother than other ECHO transitions.

  • The ECHO immersion training was offered; it would be good for Monica to attend as it provides more formal facilitation training. It is offered periodically, so would be important to get in during this cycle.

  • Dr. Tempelaar has attended 1 ECHO so far and will be attending the training sessions tomorrow and Friday afternoon and then hopes to contribute consistently.

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