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Steering Committee: October 30, 2019

Wednesday October 30th, 2019

Please see below for the action items and minutes from the October 30th Steering Committee Meeting.

In Attendance: Mary, Augustina, Lillian, Alexia, Dayna, Dielle, Abanti, Laura


  • Share ECHO curriculum with Advisory Committee Leads – Abanti

  • Sudbury data sharing agreement to be submitted - Abanti

  • Update pre-webinar invites with meeting room information-– Dielle

  • Review draft EPION slides from Lillian – Dielle

  • Finalize new sites/ new staff onboarding document /checklist and send to PSSP to review – Dielle

  • Complete POs for NAVIGATE trainers before end of this week – Dielle

  • Brainstorm ideas for recruitment videos for advisory committees for next SC meeting – Laura/Andrea

  • PSSP to remind sites about deadline for EPION slides/Nov 13 – PSSP

  • Follow-up with North Bay and Durham re: IT equipment– Dielle



  • Dayna to follow up with sites and provide reminders for upcoming ECHO presentations

  • Dielle will follow up with Sheila from IT Durham re: IT equipment for ECHO

  • ECHO topics to be reviewed and briefly discussed at SC.


  • Staff onboarding document/checklist should be finalized by next week - will circulate to PSSP and Sarah for review and edits- Dielle

  • E-learning materials and animation video and will be ready within next two weeks; will work with Dayna/PSSP to disseminate once these are released

  • Dayna provided site updates - NB is actively implementing NAV; Sudbury has had a recent shift in roles due to clinician interest and to increase engagement; Niagara is focused on hires and defining NAV role within the team; TB and WW are extremely engaged and focused on training; Durham is struggling with resistance from staff in relation to using NAVIGATE materials. Sarah mentioned that sites are allowed to augment modules and materials with additional resources but just cannot replace it altogether

  • Dayna to check in with Al about the REB meeting at the WW site.


  • Mary will summarize responses from post training feedback survey at next Steering Committee

  • 10/18 responses received so far

  • Have asked all attendees to submit responses by this Friday – IS team will send personal emails to each site about completing the survey

  • So far, have gotten feedback about timings, frequency and structure of meetings, open ended response about challenges and improvements

  • PSSP to remind sites of upcoming webinars- ensure that pre-training requirements are completed

  • Each site lead should use the pre-training checklist for each staff and report back to PSSP on status of completion.

  • Dayna to remind sites that next Wednesday is the Project Team call and members should bring any potential questions or concerns; we will be discussing important details of the upcoming training


  • PSSP to remind sites about recruitment on ongoing basis

  • Potential ideas: committee leads to either virtually attend a site team meeting or create a video for prospective members; Lillian suggested that the most effective approach would be for staff to approach their clients and family members and present the opportunity to them, rather than just posting flyers.

  • Steering committee to review the finalized baseline survey results at next meeting


  • Research team to gather and collate all slides for presentation by Nov 13th/Wednesday and send to EPION by friday/Nov15th

  • Divya has given input on Lillian’s slides, Dielle to give final approval and send off by this week

  • Dayna to meet with Josette this week to obtain an update regarding slides from site leads


  • EPI-SET contract amendment has been sent to North Bay

  • Sudbury/Niagara revised contracts to be finalized and sent out this week

  • Further REB Amendments to be sent this week – Laura/Dielle


  • REDCap Referral link and SOP will be finalized and sent to PSSP this week – Abanti

  • Final edits being incorporated to the safety SOP - plan to finalize and send to sites by next week

  • Sites have indicated that the primary contact in case of safety consult would be the front desk- who can triage the call to the clinician or physician who is on call or available at the sites; as physicians are not there full time and will most likely not be there during all research visits

Reminder- Next Wednesday/November 6, 2019 is the Project Team call

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