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Steering Committee: November 27, 2019

Wednesday November 27th, 2019

Please see below for the action items and minutes from the November 27th Steering Committee Meeting.

In Attendance: Abanti Tagore, Andrea Alves, Laura Grennan, Dayna Rossi, Mary Hana, George Foussias, Lillian Duda, Aristotle Voineskos, Janet Durbin, Sarah Bromley, Nicole Kozloff


  • Follow up with Sanjeev regarding ECHO baseline and post-session survey distribution schedule for new sites – Abanti

  • Follow up with Sanjeev and Eva regarding onboarding of new sites to ECHO – Abanti completed

  • Coordinate for a SCEI clinician to attend Durham meeting to discuss their implementation and practice change – Sarah

  • Purchase domain name for web portal – Andrea completed

  • Find out timelines of EMR completion from sites & privacy requirements form sites with using REDCap – Mary/PSSP

  • Set up meeting time with Dielle and Mary to go through contracts and agreements - Abanti

  • Discuss research survey delivery frequency preference with FAC members – Lillian

  • Follow-up with Niagara REB – Laura/Dielle

  • Follow-up with contracts at all sites – Abanti

  • Update website & send to site leads which sites have FAC/YAC members and bios/quotes of Augustina/Lillian – Andrea/Laura

  • Send out list of FAC/YAC members to site leads – Andrea/Laura

  • Brainstorm ideas for recruitment videos for advisory committees for next SC meeting – Laura/Andrea

  • Follow-up with North Bay and Durham re: IT equipment– Dielle



· Fourth ECHO session was completed/Nov 26th and all sites were in attendance! Presenters for next session in January were notified, reminders to follow in the upcoming months

· PSSP to remind site to complete the ECHO baseline and post-session surveys

· New sites can start doing ECHO post-session surveys as training is now complete


  • Lauren and Sheila have been in contact since the Annual Project Meeting and Durham will have more support going forward

  • Going forward we will purchase a domain name for the web portal due to the increased interest in our project and to make it more searchable for potential new sites; currently working on search engine optimization strategies – Andrea

  • Key points from REDCap vs. Access for measurements discussion:

  • Originally chosen Access due to privacy reasons; housing clinical information at CAMH would require additional agreements

  • Not sustainable that sites will use REDCap after study is over; more worthwhile if they worked with PSSP, clinical informatics team and health records to implement their own local database

  • Other options would be to use paper, excel or locally stored documents that stays behind each sites firewall and not with us and we ask aggregate information from sites in the interim

  • Very lukewarm feedback form sites IT/privacy departments with using Access, will not support it and will probably go back to using EMRs upon study completion; CAMH will have to support IT, training and implementation in that case

  • Some sites have been documenting more information in case notes via free text however manually searching through notes will be cumbersome, hard to measure internal validity and unsustainable for monitoring

  • There is interest from sites to build NAVIGATE measures into EMRs eventually – using Access or REDCap would be a good pilot for that

  • REDCap is easier on our end as it’s already built – will need to find out what’s needed on our end and sites end regarding privacy & explore how to revise contracts – Abanti/Dielle/Mary

  • Clinicians will not need REDCap training in order to use it to put in data

  • Trillium is taking part in a two part training – one during EPION and another with NAVIGATE trainers in January; not yet clear which part of NAVIGATE they will be implementing

  • Aristotle and George met with their director of outpatient services and extended invitation to join, waiting to hear back from them

  • We will continue to develop online training programs for new sites – we do not have the budget for more in-person trainings and not the most sustainable option either; CAMH to continue working with education team and internal resources to build simulations and e-modules – George/Sarah

  • We will keep onboarding sites as they come early on to make a stronger case to obtain more funding in the future; may potentially make it difficult for comparison groups in research by onboarding different sites together, will have to get creative with analysis and revisit at a later time

  • Keep all post-training calls as is for December; re: IRT calls, if there are capacity issues (e.g. 15+ IRT clinicians on one call) will address as they come


  • Lillian to update us with FAC members preference of survey delivery after next FAC meeting

  • Update website and send out email to site leads which members we have from each site along with short bios/quotes from Augustina and Lillian


  • REDCap referral link & instructions have been sent to PSSP – priority for the next few months is to disseminate to sites and refer clients over

  • Research team to carry out a practice run of the database next week – Dielle/Abanti/Andrea/Laura

  • Research team preparing to carry out research visits as we obtain research referrals

  • Completing one final check of IT with sites for research visits e.g. safety cables and laptops

Reminder- Next Wednesday December 4th 2019 is Project Team call

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