Share interview questions with study investigators to consider which NAV roles to interview – Melanie
Follow-up re: HR/analysts for CFIR qualitative interviews – Dielle/Melanie
Review Core Components documents and provide feedback – Janet/Investigators
Implementation - ECHO
First summer session will start on Tuesday June 2nd
ECHOs will continue biweekly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Sites have been notified and calendar invites have been sent out
These dates were selected so they don’t interfere with post-training calls
We will communicate with PSSP, listen to feedback and adapt as needed as issues come up
Format: more informal, short didactic with focus on Q&A to enhance collaboration between sites
We are adapting the ECHO format, which is flexible, so that we can discuss implementation challenges that may not be directly about a specific case
Abanti and Dayna sent out an overview of the plans/purpose of the biweekly ECHOs last week
This week, they sent out a call for sites to start thinking about agenda items, questions, barriers (implementation or clinical).
Organizing the curriculum, with 6 sessions and 6 sites – have asked sites which dates work best for them with deadline by this Friday
Sites have been receptive to the summer ECHOs, Durham may have some scheduling issues
Submitted Accreditation application - request put in for expedited application, awaiting feedback
Implementation/Onboarding/Training CFIR Presentation: “Exploring implementation barriers and facilitators associated with effective implementation of the NAVIGATE model for treatment of early episode psychosis" – Dr. Melanie Barwick
See attached slides for reference
This sub-study aims to identify barriers and facilitators to NAVIGATE model success across 6 settings
Purpose: identify factors to consider prior to/throughout implementation to improve the process
The factors that are more strongly associated with implementation success would be considered more strongly when starting implementation
The framework systemically examines contextual factors in 5 domains (see slides)
These are all the external/non-controllable factors that can be supportive or get in the way
The domains have to do with factors related to the intervention, outer setting, inner setting, staff characteristics, and implementation process
Two main methodologies: questionnaires and interviews – for this study we are doing this retrospectively
The current plan is two identify 2-3 staff from each site who may be the most familiar with NAVIGATE implementation and interview them at the end of active implementation phase (~1 year)
For the first 3 sites, this would occur this summer (latter 3 sites would be next summer)
Originally considered interviewing the directors and IRT clinicians who are likely most familiar, but we discussed this and decided to have investigators review the interview questions and create an order of roles to prioritize and possibly capture more perspectives
Staffing requirements: would hire 2 analysts (1 conducts interview while other takes notes
Have developed an efficient, rapid coding system for during the interview
Budget: the budget would come in under $9000. This was in the original proposal that was funded.
Investigators present at the meeting approved this as it is extremely important work and part of the primary outcome measure of the study
Next steps would be to hire the analysts on casual contract, they would submit hours
Discussion/Feedback: qualitative analysis will capture the dynamics of the workforce/staffing changes and challenges. If these factors are strongly associated with implementation success, the data will show it. : How do you take into account staff changes at sites?.
Core Components Update – Dr. Janet Durbin
See attached slides and documents for reference
To assess how we implement NAVIGATE we have developed a Core Components document
Core Components = the essential elements that need to be delivered as part of NAVIGATE
The purpose of doing this is so that everybody involved is clear on what they are implementing
Outcome measures: Fidelity to EPI Model (does implementing NAVIGATE improve Fidelity to EPI standards?)
Development of the Core Components involved reviewing NAVIGATE manuals, published papers, input from Implementation Specialists, Sarah and George.
This information was used to create a Practice Profile template, and the Core Components were entered here
Next steps: gather feedback from U.S. trainers and the team
Have we clearly articulated the core components? Is there anything missing?
Feedback: it would also be helpful to get feedback from site leads