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Steering Committee Meeting: May 20, 2020

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Attendance: Andrea Alves, Abanti Tagore, Laura Grennan, Dielle Miranda, Charlotte Logeman, Augustina Ampofo, Simone Dahrouge, Mary Hanna, Jeff Rocca, Nicole Kozloff, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Dayna Rossi, Sarah Bromley, Lillian Duda, Janet Durbin, Aristotle Voineskos, Divya Bhati


  • Follow up with ECHO planning team – Abanti

  • Follow up with sites and hub members about starting ECHO sessions – Abanti

  • Follow-up with Niagara about peer support worker for recruitment – Dielle

  • Follow-up with Simone about editing survey question – Andrea


New Research Staff

We are happy to welcome Charlotte Logeman, new Project Coordinator on the Slaight Research Team!

  • Charlotte will assist in coordinating a project that will support the development of resources, training tools, and evaluation of the NAVIGATE model of care.


Implementation – ECHO

  • Abanti, Nikki and Sanjeev have met and discussed next steps in terms of the ECHO sessions

  • Accreditation is ending so have to make a decision on whether to extend/build curriculum further

  • Experience with other ECHOs is that people are feeling need to engage in Community of Practice

  • Can think about aligning the ECHOs to include informal sessions that bring people together

  • Clinicians would bring their own challenges and discuss, as opposed to formal case presentation

  • Would be interspersed with regular ECHOs later on

  • Next planning meeting has been scheduled for Friday

Collaboration Space/Forum

  • The forum for clinician Q&A would be separate from live ECHO; discussions on the forum would be used to inform ECHO sessions

  • Decision: we are going to revisit the forum, pause development at this time

  • PSSP has already established momentum by creating a strategic plan for the forum, and could use pre-existing EPION space in EENet

  • The EENet forum could be linked on the EPI-SET website so clinicians would not need to remember more web addresses

  • The forum will not be on the EPI-SET website since notifications are not well supported

  • The next step would be for Jeff to set-up a meeting with Dayna, Andrea, Laura and the EENet team.


  • COVID-19 Tips document for sites is nearly finalized

  • The document will be posted on the website and shared with sites

  • Laura and Andrea have uploaded all NAVIGATE documents for clinicians to the website

  • The COVID-19 document includes links to all NAVIGATE documents on the site

Advisory Committees

Advisory Committee Engagement Report Presentation - Dr. Simone Dahrouge

  • We don’t have a very large sample size so we will try to report back every 3 months

  • Advisory members expressed most interest in: conveying their experience, relaying the needs of patients and helping identify patient priorities

  • There was less interest about informing study design/operation

  • Overall, members feel comfortable contributing during their monthly meetings

FAC-specific results

  • Observed changes in how people felt in their ability to contribute earlier in the year

  • The FAC had good discussions about this with Dr. Voineskos and Dr. Foussias

  • It was decided that having a rotating schedule of committee leads attending the FAC and YAC would be beneficial

  • The FAC also supported the creation of a newsletter to highlight their contributions and study progress since this is a large study

  • The RAs have been really good about connecting people

  • Although there is a low sample size, the data is interesting

  • It is important to note that due to COVID-19, some members have not been able to attend/submit survey feedback

  • Also important to note the recent addition of new members may impact the dynamic of the group

YAC-specific results

  • There are fewer people at these meetings, but overall people feel they can express their views and have their views heard

  • Since there is a small number of respondents to the surveys, members may not want to respond according to how they feel because it may be intimidating

  • Solution: we can group several months of results together to aggregate data for a higher sample size

Lead-specific results

  • Positive overall, the leads feel comfortable

  • The leads have a lot of responsibility, but Laura has been awesome at helping and contributing

Youth and Family Advisory Committee Meetings

  • Janet and the Implementation Evaluation team to attend this Friday’s YAC meeting

  • New FAC member joining next month

Patient Measures

Recruitment Update

  • To date, we have enrolled 7 youth participants

  • We just received a new referral from Durham, and are trying to schedule 3 participants

Site Updates

  • Sudbury and Waterloo are ready to start research recruitment!

  • Dielle/RAs will be attending monthly site team meetings to discuss recruitment strategies and clinician engagement

  • Niagara: Dielle is following up with Kerri about involving the Niagara peer support worker in recruitment

  • Thunder Bay is interested in the research component, so Dayna is scheduling a meeting this week with Jen to get started on admin, REB and contracts for Thunder Bay

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