In attendance: Nicole, Paul, Dayna, George, Jasmyn, Chelsi, Lillian, Janet, Aristotle, Nandini, Sarah
Action Items
Send Gordon Langill protocol, link to the website, and forward next SC committee meeting invite – Janet
Inquire about peer support measurements – George/Sarah
Streamline service user documents – Nandini/Chelsi
Add the WHODAS family assessment to FAC agenda– Lillian/Chelsi
YAC to review the patient measure assessments for engagement – Augustina (see attached)
Post-Training Support Calls
Email PSSP attendance – Chelsi (done)
PSSP to connect with the clinicians/physicians regarding attendance to the calls. Possibility connecting with site leads if there is lack of attendance. – PSSP (Dayna to bring forward to the team)
Add the attendance to the website – Jasmyn/Chelsi
Connect with Family clinicians/Susan regarding documentation – Chelsi
Update: CIHR Report
Dielle working on it and may need input from some SC members – she will follow up with an email if so
Deadline is June 14th
Reporting :
We don’t have to report to the ministry annual, though we have to report to CIHR directly
However, we want to keep the ministry in the loop with project updates.
Frequency of ministry updates should be around every 6 months
Need to have a conversation around the dissemination of the project updates (social media, ministry, etc)
After CIHR is submitted in June we can start putting together an update for the ministry
Update: EPION Conference
Both parts submitted
Successful applicants will be notified by June 28th
Conference date is November 19th- 20th
Service Use and Outcome Measure Working Group Membership
Meets monthly; currently looking to diversify their members and sources of input, currently all members are researchers.
One suggestion is to invite Gordon Langill, a provider, to join:
He has fidelity knowledge and is a link to EPION
Could speak towards FEP gaps within provinces
Would need to orient him to the project (Adding him to the REB protocol, Complete all mandatory trainings, etc)
Documents to send him (protocol, link to the website, invitation to next SC meeting)
Also building on SC discussion last week, the committee can seek family and youth input through connecting with the FAC/YACs.
Measuring Peer Support
Figuring out how to measure peer support beyond qualitative data
Some sites do not have peer support, though since we have it here at CAMH we should look in doing it broadly as well – larger than the EPI-SET project
What measures would be good for this?
Connect with Sean Kidd – he did work around peer support post discharge – for him to share the grant to us
On track New York
Because it wasn’t a part of the RAISE study – it would be hard to measure that as part of the grant
Lisa Dixon – George tried to find the website she used in her presentation but could not. Will connect with her
Update: Measuring Family Members
WHODAS version for caregivers
Would be better to have an assessment for family members that the patients are already doing for comparing and contrasting – it would be an interesting moderator of outcomes.
Paul to attend one of the FAC meetings
Ideally would like the 12 item WHODAS for caregivers
Much easier time aligning the WHODAS with the patient and family members – the wording is different but the concepts are the same
Doing cross work on different measures would be harder
Send to the FAC for review
Update: Youth Measures
Please see attached.
Potentially using the SURF though that is only done every 6 months on a 1 month reflection
We are not collecting data on the Clinician Contact forms, though the sites are using them and inputting them into the charts. If we needed to go back and look at them we can put in an REB amendment
For revision with YAC and Augustina
Post-Training Support Calls
Email PSSP attendance
PSSP to connect with the clinicians/physicians regarding attendance to the calls. Possibility connecting with site leads if there is lack of attendance.
Add the attendance of who was on the calls within the website
Currently only 2 SEE workers
Family documentation question
CAMH: families have their own charts so they can place attendance and documentation there
Ask Niagara how they recorded documentation pre NAV
FAC when is the next date!