Wednesday, May 13th, 2020
Attendance: Andrea Alves, Abanti Tagore, Laura Grennan, Dielle Miranda, George Foussias, Janet Durbin, Alexia Jaouich, Augustina Ampofo, Lillian Duda, Aristotle Voineskos, Sarah Bromley, Nikki Kozloff:
Follow-up on Durham’s comments and send back – Laura/Dielle
Follow-up with sites re: their COVID questions and make edits to measures – Laura
Upload updated protocol and ICF to the website – Andrea
Share community of practice plan with the Steering Committee – Andrea/Dayna
Connect with Sanjeev regarding ECHO schedule – Abanti
Follow-up about the Peer Support Worker – Dielle
Follow-up on how sites schedule first visit/research information sheet - Alexia
REB Update:
Approval from North Bay, recent amendment allows us to reimburse participants with e-gift cards
Durham replied with comments, once we make the edits they will expedite approval
Upcoming amendment for COVID-19 measures for research visits
Laura is in process of adapting the measures from a depression study
Keep the medication lists sorted alphabetically by generic names instead of brand names
Edit the “consumption” of news question to say “watch/read/listen”
The next amendment also includes some administrative changes, like changing Krista’s name to Kerri’s for Niagara
Durham contract fully executed
We are going to add more language about data sharing to our page
We referred to the data sharing language in the ModSoCCs consent form
We will share de-identified data with those that request it, not specifying timeframe
We will mention that investigators who are not project collaborators may require data sharing agreement based on institutional policies
Protocol Paper
The protocol paper for BMJ was approved
It will be shared with stakeholders once it is available online
Advisory Committees
Youth and Family Advisory Committees
Janet and the Implementation Evaluation team to attend upcoming meetings (YAC in May and FAC in June)
FAC has a new member joining on Thursday she is from Durham
This member’s loved one received NAVIGATE in Durham and then moved to North Bay and expressed that the transition was seamless. A great example of NAVIGATE working to standardize care
YAC has potential new member – Laura is reaching out
Community of Practice
· Online Forum is being developed and tested by Andrea, Laura, Dayna and Jeff
Soft launch goal is by June 1st
We will share the plan and updates at next meeting
· Post-Training Calls
Yesterday on IRT call, Piper discussed Module 5 and a case presentation
Clinicians expressed satisfaction with seeing how to deliver a module and apply to a case
Clinicians have been more engaged in the post-training calls since COVID-19
· PSSP Update
The Implementation Team has been busier in the last 8 weeks helping sites with virtual care and NAVIGATE delivery
The last couple Implementation Committees have seen active engagement, sites are connecting with each other
It would be best to continue the ECHOs throughout the summer, especially during the pandemic when there is a high need for support and people aren’t on vacation
Trainer calls will be wrapping up and we want to continue momentum through summer
Revisit this with Sanjeev, confirm ECHO plan
COVID-19 Tips document
Being finalized and distributed shortly
Education services working with Laura and Andrea on this
The document will also help support intervention-specific calls
Long-standing clinician feedback indicated that the NAVIGATE documents were lengthy and not youth-friendly, COVID has helped accelerate improvements
Some next steps will be to create fillable documents for patients to send back
Virtual care is being well-received by patients based on clinician anecdotes
Patient Measures
Recruitment update
7 total youth participants enrolled and scheduling 2 more referrals for baseline
There are no outstanding referrals to be contacted
2 family participants enrolled, 1 scheduled, and 2 being contacted
REDCap referral link
Option added for clinicians to provide reason why a participant said no to research
Will help us to modify our processes as needed based on feedback
Discuss recruitment strategies and clinician engagement
Dielle will be attending clinic meetings, Dayna is coordinating
Champion clinicians from Durham and North Bay who have been referring a lot of participants could attend some calls and share their experience with other clinicians
Create a short EPI-SET “blurb” for clinicians to communicate to their clients, letting them know that their site is involved in NAVIGATE and the research study