In attendance: Dayna, Augustina, Chelsi, George, Nandini, Dielle, Aristotle, Paul
Action Items:
Continue to follow up with Durham’s contracts – Dielle
Qualitative Follow Up
Email Sophie and Juveria confirming attendance for the March 27th SC meeting only – Dielle
Jasmyn and Steve to connect with Juveria around the REDCAP piece for the qualitative data – Jasmyn
Send out in-person training evaluation – Chelsi (done)
PSSP to work on a tool to share among the team members as a way to provide weekly updates – PSSP
EPI-SET Documents
Aristotle to review progress report and pass along to Jeff to determine specific site needs – Aristotle
Make preliminary changes to Jeff and Janaki’s documents – Chelsi/Dielle
Niagara – signed and sent to Niagara for their signatures
Durham – Dielle is following up every week, still under review
REB Amendments
DUP measurement – no need for amendment, will be measured through the SCID
No ePro tool – no need for amendment
Protocol states: “Using Project-ECHO infrastructure, all interviewer-rated assessments will be administered via live two-way video conferencing by trained interviewers, in a manner identical to the approach utilized in the original NAVIGATE trial”
Don’t necessarily need to update the protocol to include Zoom as we are doing it through live two-way video conference
George: We could specify that we will be using Zoom as part of other amendments we are submitting to the REBs as a point of clarification.
Qualitative Follow Up
Sophie supposed to join March 13th (Aristotle is away) and Juveria is available to join March 27th if there needs to a follow up
Decision: to schedule both Sophie and Juveria for March 27th
Though Juveria is the lead on this, Sophie has family work experience and will be a collaborator
The qualitative portion is not one of the 4 objectives
REDCAP - Jasmyn and Steve to connect with Juveria around the REDCAP piece for the qualitative data - It shouldn’t necessarily be on REDCAP, still have a conversation around this piece. One column in REDCAP from an administrative point of view, we are not having people who are currently using services on our advisory teams. Though for the qualitative studies we have those currently doing services, so there could be a data linkage piece there.
Two fold process 1. 10-15 interviews of stakeholders, staff, etc 2. Once implemented, we want an understanding of the experience of caregivers, clients, etc.
Timeline of roll out? - According to the protocol: “Semi-structured interviews will be conducted at three stages during the NAVIGATE implementation process: after the first engagement, at the end of the implementation, and at study end” - Potentially create a design that encompasses that time frame. Potentially having a core group that she follows now, then coordinates at end of implementation, then at end of service
Implementation Committee Update
PSSP’s goal is to create a coaching plan to share amongst the team member as a way to provide weekly updates. Meeting next week to develop a clear tool.
This coaching plan will include timeline of all completed tasks, updates on site activities, what is working well and concerns they may have
Currently PSSP is: - Looking into the technological capacity questions of the sites (NB has to ask upper management). - Conducting landscape work - Difficulties with Durham regarding moving forward due to the contracts (Kelsey is waiting)
Anything that comes up will be highlighted during Wednesday implementation meetings
1. Progress Report
Aristotle to review and pass along to Jeff to see exactly what the sites needs are
2. Navigate Implementation
Logo: Add EPI-SET (left) and site logos (right)
Title: Reverse title and modify to “improving Early Psychosis Care across Ontario”. Rid of NAV implementation
Intended for: Clinicians and physicians interested in taking a leadership role. CAMH clinicians and physicians who have an interest in facilitating and contributing to EPI-SET (for members of the ECHO hub, clinicians within the booster calls etc.) à in the future for site staff when they become the hub
Purpose: To summarize EPI-SET
Modification: Add the 4th objective (engagement)
Move the objective to the top, followed by the paragraphs
3. Navigate Framework Overview
Logo: Add EPI-SET (left) and site logos (right)
Title: Reverse title and modify “Overview of Navigate Framework”
Intended for: For any staff member interested in learning what Navigate is
Purpose: Overview describing components of Navigate and how it is rolled out into EPI-SET
Modification: Start with what is EPI-SET, then what Navigate is
Check in with Sarah regarding George’s comment
Get language from Jeff’s ‘what you need to know’ document – first bullet point
Incorporate language around evaluating implementation and the impact of Navigate’s comprehensive care model in comparison to the service as usual model
4. The Navigate Program
Logo: Add EPI-SET (left) and site logos (right)
Title: Reverse title
Intended for: Service users and family members
Purpose: Inform patients about the new model of care and small indication on who to contact about the research portion of this study
Modification: First two sentences: Get language from Jeff’s ‘what you need to know’ document – first bullet point and Incorporate language around evaluating implementation and the impact of Navigate’s comprehensive care model in comparison to the service as usual model
Include the ‘why’ section and modify the language from Jeff’s document – reference the grant
Get advisory and site opinion regarding the presentation of this document
Include small section about the research opportunity/component at the bottom instead of having separate “what I need to know about participating in the EPI-SET research study document” à should not read like a consent form. Maybe in a table format
4. What you need to know about EPI-SET and the Navigate Model
Logo: Add EPI-SET (left) and site logos (right)
Title: Reverse title
Intended for: Staff members interested in the project
Purpose: Inform staff members about the EPI-SET project