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Steering Committee: June 26, 2019

In Attendance: Alexia, Jasmyn, Dielle, Lillian, Augustina, Sarah, Chelsi, Eva

Action Items

Conference Attendance from Project Members


  • To figure out cost of those who have already committed to coming

  • To see how much money we would spend on travel


  • To present the opportunity to the youth members

  • To find out how many days they are interested in going (for one or both days)

  • Share the policy/practice for the process for family/youth members to attend conferences – Alexia

Post Training Calls

  • Email Delbert asking if he would be able to do 30min prescriber calls instead of the 1 hour calls – George

  • Once length of prescriber calls is decided, email site leads and give nurse option as well – Chelsi

  • Follow up with Shirley regarding the attendance of the SEE calls – Chelsi


  • To inform PSSP team that recruitment will begin Aug 12th - Alexia

  • Update Statement of Collaboration with ECHO language – Jasmyn

Training New Sites

  • Figure a training timeline/logistics for new sites – Sarah/Aristotle

  • Provide Sudbury with a deadline - Aristotle



Implementation Committee

  • The NAV trainers will be joining the August 21st implementation call at 1:15pm to relay themes they are picking up on from the post-training calls.

  • The PSSP specialists, site leads, and Alexia should be on this call

Conference Attendance from Project Members

  • There are many individuals on this project, have to be mindful of our budget and principles (don’t necessarily need a written policy regarding it). Want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to join while keeping in mind the budget.

  • We can potentially ask CHIR to amend the budget in order to do a reallocation of funds

  • Although it is typical for money to be left over in year 1, often projects for over for a year so we would want to save some money for that

  • If an individual is presenting at a conference, they would be a priority for attending

  • Therefore if the advisory team members are interested in going to a conference now, they might not be able to go next year when they have more members (will need to take turns)

  • Dielle:

  • To figure out cost of those who have already committed to coming

  • To see how much money we would spend on travel

  • Augustina to present the opportunity to the youth members

  • Lillian/Augustina – to find out how many days they are interested in going (for only 1 or both days

  • PSSP

  • If they have conferences it usually doesn’t come out of the grant budget but by the budget the staff are govern by.

  • They make a distinction because the youth/family and the actual employees of PSSP

  • Alexia to share the policy/practice for the process for family/youth members to attend conferences

  • Need to figure out if we would still provide hourly compensation for the conference for the advisory members

  • EPION had 40 bursaries, though only one that was dedicated to CAMH – already used

Post-Support Calls

  • Issues regarding the prescriber calls – physicians are only have a certain amount of hours within the clinic, and sometimes will have to miss the call.

  • George to email Delbert asking if he would be able to do 30 mins instead of the 1 hour calls

  • As a last resort to have a nurse represent the physician on the call

  • The SEE role only currently exists at the Niagara site for about a month. Durham is looking to hire one, though they may have to outsource this role.

  • A potential for Shirley to walk through her slides and the training on these calls with the new people that will be hired

Patient Measures and Outcomes

Family Assessments

  • The patients are completing the 36 item of the WHODAS

  • The family will complete the 12 item WHODAS in addition to the Life Skill assessment. Both the advisory committee and the SC think that the questions within the Life Skill assessment are good and we can still compare the 12 item WHODAS with the extracted items of the patient 36 item one.

Timeline for Recruitment

  • George and Jasmyn have vacations in July

  • Amendments have to go through to all of the sites because any assessments start

  • Will push recruitment until Aug 12th - Alexia to inform her team regarding this

Decision Making

  • Aristotle to sub in for George while he is away (George is back on Aug 7th)


Waterloo-Wellington joining the sessions

  • Preferred that the site staff and mangers read the education materials and modules so they at least know what their roles are about (to roughly know the concepts, acroymns, etc.) before joining in on an ECHO.

  • To have a bit of a didactic presentation or a full training before the new sites join the ECHO calls so they have the context.

  • We would want the new staff to have some experience around NAVIGATE even if it’s role playing

  • The 8 ECHO session will end around April 2020, though the next round (20 sessions) won’t start until after the Post training calls are finished (around May 2020)

  • The action ECHO session competencies are built off of the NAV model

  • If they joined the first 8 sessions (even part way through), data would not be collected, they would not present a case, though they can give recommendations – this would be a good time for the facilitator to reference and connect their recommendations to the NAV model

  • ECHOs usually like to have everyone on-boarding within the first few sessions so they can build a community of practice – though they are looking at opening it up at multiple time points.

Statement of Collaboration

  • SC had no edits to be made

  • Jasmyn to update all SoC’s from the sites with this language

Note Taker

  • Iman can’t support this task

  • Possible for the IT support or the ZOOM moderator to take on the role of the note taker

  • Need to iron out the ministry funding for an ECHO staff to support this project

  • Have time in the 30 min debrief to collect recommendation – that way all hub members can contribute

Training New Sites

  • Sarah and Aristotle to meet to iron out the details and figure out a timeline

  • Aristotle to give Sudbury a deadline

  • Waterloo-Wellington had concerns regarding not receiving the same training with the US trainers as did the other sites. The content will be all the same even if the US trainers don’t implement it.

  • Look into the budget to see if there is enough money to support the NAV trainers

Implementation Update

  • Al Cudmore to take over Sandy’s position – in Niagara

  • Sandy is moving to evaluator – for the fidelity

  • Rebecca (replacement for Nandini) to attend meetings? – she doesn’t have to come as Alexia will update her

Service Measures and Outcomes

  • Feedback was helpful for fidelity

  • Bringing Sandy into the fidelity – and what makes sense for the other two sites for Rebecca – she would be more than happy to stay for the two new sites joining in

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