• Follow-up with Janet to get budget for Fidelity assessments – Dr. Kozloff
• Follow-up with Dayna regarding site availability for ECHO schedules - Abanti
COVID-19 e-NAV CIHR Grant Application Update – Dr. Kozloff
Submitting 2 grant applications:
UofT submission (completed) – this was brief application for 2 year period
CIHR (in progress) - 1 year application, we can incorporate more of the feedback that have come up from this group. 1 year will limit time allotted for adapting the model and for following patient-level outcomes
Thanks to Augustina, Lillian, Andrea and Laura for helping to bring on YAC and FAC members as collaborators!
Currently deciding how much emphasis to place on adaptation of the model for virtual care, and on implementation evaluation
The project will focus on Fidelity assessment, the virtual care experience survey as well, and interviews that are guided by CFIR (implementation evaluation framework)
Will also focus on health equity and patient level factors for virtual care
For Implementation Evaluation/Fidelity Assessments
Implementation of virtual care began as early as March and continues to be optimized
Timeline in the grant indicates the first 3 months are for REB approval and pulling the team together
We will need to work out the Fidelity comparators because:
Other sites have adapted their practices as well, and
Slaight pre-assessment was pre-NAVIGATE and pre-virtual
Budget for Fidelity assessments
Dr. Kozloff will reference the EPI-SET budget and create a placeholder in the RAF until Dr. Durbin sends specifics
Current Fidelity assessors have Master’s degrees and are at the Research Coordinator/ Implementation Specialist level
Overall survey results are positive!
Qualitative feedback indicates sites are happy with the presentations being clinically focused
Quantitative survey scores far average 4.2/5
We also had about 91% completion on survey which was really high! It was a great session.
We will continue to check-in regarding supporting sites and their availability
Advisory Committees
YAC meeting this Friday
FAC is happy to have a member volunteer for the new study proposal
Patient Measures
The attached graph shows our recruitment progress from January 2020 to present
Referral numbers indicate clients who have said yes to be contacted about research
Solid bars represent participants who have completed their baseline visit
Hatched bars indicate participants being contacted/in progress
21 clients have said yes to being contacted for research
15 from Durham
6 from North Bay
We have 3 participants scheduled this week
We have had 3 no shows and are in progress on contacting 4 more people in
• First 6 month follow-up is due for July, this participant has been contacted
Clinician Feedback & Recruitment Strategies
Dielle and Abanti now attend site meetings regularly to address research concerns and questions.
Clinicians have expressed less hesitation to refer clients now
On the recent on-boarding call with Waterloo, their clinicians expressed a lot of enthusiasm about referring clients for research
Niagara clinicians are ramping up to start asking clients for research
Durham referrals have spiked in the past 2 weeks and their clinicians have been very responsive
Sheila (Durham site lead) has created a tracking sheet for clinicians to track which clients have been approached and outcomes