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Steering Committee: July 29, 2020


  • Connect with Divya and Simon re: objectively measuring YAC/FAC contributions, QI – Andrea

  • Email site leads with YAC/FAC schedules – Andrea/Laura

  • Follow-up with Thunder Bay re: new site lead preparedness – Sarah




  • Currently following up with site REBs regarding amendment submissions

  • Dielle followed up with Sudbury, they are reviewing

  • Received email approval from Naigara, waiting for official approval

  • Lakeridge has proposed that we submit a new application instead of an amendment for COVID measures. We will be meeting with the chair next week.

  • Submitted amendments for CFIR interview to CAMH REB and started contract process

Thunder Bay Site Lead

  • Tiffanie Stubbings (program director) and Joy Kolic (nurse practitioner) will be new site leads

    • Joy will take on the NAV director role and Tiffanie will be more administrative

    • Joy is the only prescriber for CMHA (not just EPI service)

    • Sarah has reached out about who will be the program representative, waiting to hear back

    • Sarah will be following up with Thunder Bay about this

    • Dayna has met with Joy and she will be attending the upcoming Project Team meeting

Advisory Committees


  • YAC meeting rescheduled for tomorrow

  • Will be discussing e-gift cards, Newsletter and Terms of Reference

  • Updating NAVIGATE manuals?

  • o Based on feedback from last Project Team meeting about language in the NAVIGATE manuals, some YAC members expressed interest in updating the manuals/revising language to be more youth-friendly

  • o We want the YAC and FAC to be involved in this kind of work, but would need to determine how first

  • o This has been on the team’s radar but there are some challenges, including: staying true to Fidelity, lengthy and expensive process, publishing considerations

  • o It would be nice to revise the language together with the digitization of the manuals

  • o While it will take years to revise the manuals and replace old material, as new resources are developed (like e-learnings), we can leverage the expertise of the advisory committees to ensure any future materials are improved.

  • o Augustina is meeting with Sandy next week to discuss how to approach YAC with opportunities and make it clear that implementation takes time, have a session on research vs. QI

  • o We can also do a session on different projects like eNAVIGATE and adapting NAVIGATE for youth without psychosis

  • o No suggestions are wasted, we just may park them to use on other projects.

  • o They are all valuable but may be implemented at various times which are difficult to predict.

  • o It would be helpful to have a more academic perspective on patient engagement and how to work through an issue like this.

    • Include Divya and Simone to objectively measure contributions (e.g. partial, full implementation)


  • FAC is working on video, will review Terms of Reference, will provide QI feedback for Fidelity reports

  • o FAC members have already done some recordings

  • o Lillian had good conversation with Connie Putterman re: supports that CAMH could provide with YAC and FAC about what it means to be involved in research

    • ♣ Laura and Lillian will work with Connie about setting up workshops/sharing materials

    • Andrea and Laura are coordinating guest/investigator schedules


  • Next session on Tuesday Aug 4th on ‘Healthy Lifestyles and Metabolic Factors’ by Dr. Mahavir Agarwal

  • Feedback: have seen a shift in the ECHOs the last few sessions with great engagement.We are heading in a good direction in terms of curriculum and choosing more practical based topics.

  • Expecting good turnout and engagement in this upcoming session based on feedback

  • Will be finalizing our full curriculum soon

  • Working with PSSP for ECHO time change for September onward

  • Brochure created for ECHO Cycle 1 Post Events Report to the accreditation department, this is important when applying for new accreditation

  • Exploring alternate dates for fall ECHO sessions, working with PSSP

  • Need to get this done 4 weeks in advance

Patient Measures Recruitment Update:

  • Total Referrals received: 33

  • Baseline completed: 15 (Durham: 10; Niagara: 2; NB: 3)

  • 6-month Follow-Up completed: 1, scheduling more

  • Participants this week: 1

  • Currently contacting youth and family participants to book more visits

  • Sudbury research orientation meeting scheduled for July 30th and will start attending regularly thereafter, hopefully this will push new sites to send in referrals

  • Waterloo virtual site visits starting weekly

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