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Steering Committee: July 22, 2020


  • Discuss FAC/YAC attendance at site meetings with site leads, establish a plan - Dielle




  • Received approval from North Bay re: COVID amendment

  • The COVID amendment has been submitted to Durham and Sudbury, currently following-up

  • Currently working on the Thunder Bay original submission (will submit as soon as approval from CAMH for site lead change) and Waterloo COVID amendment

  • Next round of CAMH amendments to revise protocol and consent forms for CFIR Qualitative Interviews with staff in process


  • Brannon and Dielle are currently working on CFIR contracts

e-NAVIGATE Grant Submissions

  • Submitted and waiting to hear back

Advisory Committees

  • YAC meeting this Friday, will be discussing e-gift cards, Newsletter and Terms of Reference and will provide QI feedback for Fidelity reports

  • FAC is working on video, will review Terms of Reference, will provide QI feedback for Fidelity reports

    • The video will be useful for sites and to convey the importance of the project from the family perspective

    • The FAC also looks forward to participating in site meetings

    • Laura and Andrea will also be planning for guest speakers to attend upcoming YAC/FAC meetings based on advisors’ feedback


  • Fourth ECHO summer session was yesterday - we had a fantastic conversation with all the sites regarding Behavioural Activation

  • 21 clinicians were in attendance, with representation from all sites; so far 11 survey responses

  • Will be updating the hub members of the Virtual ECHO Immersion Training happening soon

  • When have further details on this, Abanti will send it out

  • We are currently finalizing our full curriculum for September onward

  • Working on ECHO Cycle 1 post events report – Abanti

  • This report covers what we accomplished in the first 8 sessions

  • Next session on Tuesday Aug 4th on Healthy Lifestyles and Metabolic Factors

Patient Measures

Recruitment Update:

  • Total Referrals received: 29

  • Baseline completed: 14 (Durham: 10; Niagara: 1; NB: 3)

  • 6-month Follow-Up completed: 1, scheduling more

  • Participants this week: 1 (Niagara)

Durham team feedback: suggested that Dielle and Abanti attend bi-weekly instead of weekly

  • Clinic flow: Larger sites will have more new patients, so even when the process is moving smoothly, want to be aware of new patients coming in

  • For sites where there is little patient flow, do not need to meet as frequently – but for Durham, keep meeting weekly for the near future

  • o FAC and YAC have brought up that it is helpful to have people with lived experience engage with clinical teams

Continuing to attend site meetings

  • Coordinating Sudbury research orientation meeting

  • Coordinating Waterloo virtual site visits, will be meeting Tuesday mornings

  • Currently contacting youth and family participants to book more visits

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