Discuss FAC/YAC attendance at site meetings with site leads, establish a plan - Dielle
Received approval from North Bay re: COVID amendment
The COVID amendment has been submitted to Durham and Sudbury, currently following-up
Currently working on the Thunder Bay original submission (will submit as soon as approval from CAMH for site lead change) and Waterloo COVID amendment
Next round of CAMH amendments to revise protocol and consent forms for CFIR Qualitative Interviews with staff in process
Brannon and Dielle are currently working on CFIR contracts
e-NAVIGATE Grant Submissions
Submitted and waiting to hear back
Advisory Committees
YAC meeting this Friday, will be discussing e-gift cards, Newsletter and Terms of Reference and will provide QI feedback for Fidelity reports
FAC is working on video, will review Terms of Reference, will provide QI feedback for Fidelity reports
The video will be useful for sites and to convey the importance of the project from the family perspective
The FAC also looks forward to participating in site meetings
Laura and Andrea will also be planning for guest speakers to attend upcoming YAC/FAC meetings based on advisors’ feedback
Fourth ECHO summer session was yesterday - we had a fantastic conversation with all the sites regarding Behavioural Activation
21 clinicians were in attendance, with representation from all sites; so far 11 survey responses
Will be updating the hub members of the Virtual ECHO Immersion Training happening soon
When have further details on this, Abanti will send it out
We are currently finalizing our full curriculum for September onward
Working on ECHO Cycle 1 post events report – Abanti
This report covers what we accomplished in the first 8 sessions
Next session on Tuesday Aug 4th on Healthy Lifestyles and Metabolic Factors
Patient Measures
Recruitment Update:
Total Referrals received: 29
Baseline completed: 14 (Durham: 10; Niagara: 1; NB: 3)
6-month Follow-Up completed: 1, scheduling more
Participants this week: 1 (Niagara)
Durham team feedback: suggested that Dielle and Abanti attend bi-weekly instead of weekly
Clinic flow: Larger sites will have more new patients, so even when the process is moving smoothly, want to be aware of new patients coming in
For sites where there is little patient flow, do not need to meet as frequently – but for Durham, keep meeting weekly for the near future
o FAC and YAC have brought up that it is helpful to have people with lived experience engage with clinical teams
Continuing to attend site meetings
Coordinating Sudbury research orientation meeting
Coordinating Waterloo virtual site visits, will be meeting Tuesday mornings
Currently contacting youth and family participants to book more visits