In Attendance: Alexia, Jasmyn, Dielle, Lillian, Augustina, Sarah, Chelsi, Sanjeev, Janet, Aristotle
Action Items
Finish protocol paper draft and circulate to SC for edits – Nikki
Follow up with Shirley about SEE call– Chelsi/Sarah/George
Talk to Delbert on August 21st – George
Take a look at the SOP/forms that have been sent around for data/manuscript requests, and send any comments to Jasmyn for inclusion – Steering Committee
Invite Waterloo Wellington to Spoke Orientation and ECHO calls – Chelsi
EPION abstract:
Edit and send around – Jasmyn and Chelsi
Review for approval – Steering Committee
Send research process update(s) to PSSP – Jasmyn/Chelsi
Touch base with sites about research recruitment process – PSSP
Protocol Paper
Nikki is working on it and will circulate a draft for edits.
Post Training Calls
There are currently no SEE workers at the sites, so the SEE post training calls are on hold. Once SEE workers are hired, hopefully by the fall (October), the post-training calls will then be used instead for training calls
Chelsi will review with Shirley regarding the contract for these calls.
The SEE calls seem like the weakest part of the program, and this role had difficulty in the US as well (Alexia).
At CAMH, we decided among the FTEs who has what roles, and didn’t have too much of a problem. It’s harder in smaller programs because of the ratio, and because some FTEs may have more than one role.
At CAMH the SEE workers often weave CBT into their role as well, bringing the skills that they had before but focusing on work and school. They also work with the client’s IRT worker. In the second round of training, we can make sure to work on this with Shirley, as well as how to work with IRT clinicians on what the client is learning.
The NAVIGATE model is that a SEE worker does the full SEE role, including job development. This includes both the front-end work as well as the back-end (e.g. job placement) work. If you can support doing all of this within the program with the SEE workers, that is ideal.
George will be talking to Delbert about the prescriber calls on August 21st during the “update” implementation call.
New Sites
There is a follow-up call with Sudbury next week.
Data and Manuscript Requests
Take a look at the SOP/forms that have been sent around, and send any comments to Jasmyn for inclusion.
Some questions still need to be ironed out, such as who the authors are for the main papers, who will be co-authors on certain parts, etc.
NAVIGATE Training Update
Training will likely be a combination of in-person, online, and simulation learning.
Training for the new sites (Waterloo Wellington, possibly Sudbury and Thunder Bay) may occur around the timing of the EPION conference – TBD.
The training will be aligned with the feedback we received from the in-person training feedback survey as well.
Waterloo Wellington has had an initial conversation with Al Cudmore, but they haven’t yet divided their staff into NAVIGATE roles or completed the implementation landscape. Dividing into NAVIGATE roles will likely occur at the next conversation with Al.
We will be inviting Waterloo Wellington to the ECHO Spoke Orientation and ECHO calls; they will likely know the staff NAVIGATE roles by the August ECHO meeting.
EPION Abstract
We have confirmed our abstracts, which have been accepted.
We will be providing Advisory Members with 2 days of registration, 1 day of accommodation (depending on location), and round trip travel.
There are a couple of edits to make to the second part of the abstract, we will make these and re-circulate to Steering Committee. The submission isn’t due until July 31 so we have some time to work on it.
The two presentations at EPION will be on the first and second day respectively, we can’t move them to be on the same day.
Site Research Recruitment
We should reiterate that the research recruitment will be low-burden to the clinic/clinicians. There has been some worry from the sites about this piece.
We will send bullet point updates to PSSP, and send weekly/biweekly-ish updates and information regarding the research piece for them to share with the sites.
In terms of recruiting patients, the original idea was for clinicians to ask patients at every appointment about research
The sites were concerned about keeping track, how to do that, etc.
Asking patients about research at every appointment is too burdensome to the patients.
We need to revisit this with the sites – PSSP will touch base with the sites to come up with a process to keep track.
Also, if a patient says no to research, we can’t keep asking them unless they’ve told us we can.
Question: How do we make sure that our evaluations are capturing the issue of limited resources at sites vs. NAVIGATE itself not working?
We will be doing our analysis by site, to look at this.
Additionally, if a site doesn’t implement as well as the others, we will have evaluated that, and we can factor that into analysis of NAVIGATE/longitudinal outcomes.
Post-training Evaluation Survey
The survey was done a couple of weeks after the training, so the data is a few months old. They hadn’t done a lot of work with PSSP yet at the time when they completed this survey.
They will likely also do a survey when they are done the post-training support calls
We will be evaluating as much as possible with respect to the training (capacity and confidence)
Ideally, capacity and confidence will have increased from the post-training evaluation survey to now with the post-training calls and PSSP support they’ve been receiving