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Steering Committee: December 19, 2018

In attendance: Sanjeev, Aristotle, Eva, Nicole, Janet, Alexia, Lillian, George, Nandini, Augustina, Chelsi, Nadia

Action Items:


  • URGENT → send both versions of the FEPS tool to Aristotle, Sarah, George & Alexia for review and decision by end of week - Janet

  • ECHO/PSSP to review implementation landscape and site readiness spreadsheet – Eva/Sanjeev/Alexia

  • ECHO & PSSP to discuss overlap between implementation questions offline to avoid redundancies – Eva/Sanjeev/Alexia

  • Link to REDCAP contact sheets to be provided to Janet – Janaki/George

  • Updates about ePRO tool in the new year – George

  • Connect with Janaki about NAVIGATE trainer contracts to determine frequency of post-training calls over the 1-year period – Nadia/Chelsi

  • ECHO updates about session planning and didactic translation of in-person training in the New Year – Eva/Sanjeev

  • Prepare 1-page ‘What is EPI-SET Project’ document for early new year – Nandini

  • Establish timing and frequency of ECHO sessions with sites in the new year – ECHO/Nadia/Chelsi

REB & Contracts:

  • Follow-up with Durham REB 2-3 days after full board review on Jan 7 for response – Dielle

  • Follow-up with North Bay about contracts – Dielle/Nadia

  • Call to review Niagara’s contract on Jan 10 – Dielle/Nadia


  • Budget overview to be sent around by end of week and to be reviewed at next SC meeting – Dielle - DONE




Family/Youth Advisory Committees:

  • Durham site → 1 youth member identified

  • North Bay site → 2 family members and 1 patient identified

  • First youth advisory committee meeting to start in early January 2019

REB & Contracts:

  • 3 revised consent forms sent to Durham-Lakeridge REB

  • Full board review will be on January 7th, 2019

  • Augustina’s suggestion → wait 2-3 days after full-board review to ask if we will be going through another full-board or delegated review

Site Call Update:

  • North Bay and Durham team members have accessed the web porta; Niagara site lead and staff have not yet had a chance. All sites were reminded to access the website during the pre-training calls.

  • Durham found pre-training calls to be repetitive

  • All sites were comfortable with the material based on their experience


Landscape Interview

  • Alexia contacted Eva & Sanjeev to identify any overlap with ECHO implementation assessments → merging the assessments may not be feasible because of different timelines for PSSP and ECHO project planning

  • Examples of standard implementation-type questions from ECHO team that could be included in the landscape: - Questions about site team composition and ongoing NAVIGATE knowledge skills - Do you have the organizational support to participate in this type of activity - Questions about compensation - Questions about preferred dates and time for ECHO sessions

  • Sanjeev → premature to develop ECHO-specific questions at this point in time as implementation gaps will be more identifiable after in-person NAVIGATE training in order to build the curriculum

  • Alexia → some questions have already been addressed by the site readiness assessments and site calls. PSSP will pull information from the site readiness excel spreadsheet to prevent repetition.

  • Original goal of the landscape interview → implementation specialist having a conversation about site ‘baseline’ in terms of preparedness and identifying which components would need to shift to accommodate program implementation (e.g., leadership, staffing, competencies, etc. )

  • The interview has been postponed until after the in-person training as the sites will have more knowledge about what they will need to do differently to implement NAVIGATE

  • These semi-structure interviews may require 3 meetings over the span of 2 months to understand each site’s baseline

  • The landscape interviews will contribute to the co-development of an implementation plan for each agency based on the collected data.

  • The interviews will identify what organizational elements sites will have to change for NAVIGATE to be implemented successfully

  • The thematic analysis will only be applied to components/processes that will need to be translated into action items to create an implementation plan and framework for PSSP coaching

  • Implementation landscape will be an active document that will feed into analyses to determine if they were able to address implementation barriers


  • Based on the current learning from RAISE implementation in the US, Janet raised the notion of how we can take advantage of implementation challenges/lessons from this study

  • Aristotle → this learning will be incorporated in the long-term.

  • Don Addington has modified the FEPS tool → his version aligns more so with the US RAISE study and continues to be modified. Don’s current tool is not the same as the one being used by EPION.

  • There are content and measurement differences between the versions of the tool being used in the US vs. Ontario

  • Janet suggested privileging the Ontario tool

  • Our project objective is to show that within-site fidelity is improving with the hope to compare these to other sites performing fidelity

  • Janet to check with Don to see if his tool is changing significantly

  • Funding goals are also to be taken into account

  • SC members to review the versions of the FEPS tool and to make a decision by end of week – time sensitive decision

ECHO & Post-Training Calls

  • ECHO implementation assessments will be iterative - There will be an assessment post NAVIGATE in-person training to see implementation needs at this point in time - Clinical needs will be assessed after foundational training

  • It requires 4-6 months to build a project plant for an ECHO session

  • Sessions should not start concurrently with post-training calls to prevent redundancy. Delaying the sessions will reinforce the role and value of ECHO sessions.

  • George to speak with Janaki about NAVIGATE trainer contracts to determine frequency of post-training calls → some calls will decrease in frequency after 3 months

  • ECHO sessions could tentatively start between May-July 2019

  • Aristotle & Sanjeev to meet to discuss in-person NAVIGATE knowledge translation efforts → didactic planning will happen during project planning for ECHO sessions

  • ECHO will break down in-person training into smaller, more easily digestible sessions that are 15-20 minutes in length

Knowledge Translation

  • One page ‘What is EPI-SET Project’ to be developed for January

  • General 1-pager as well as more targeted versions for policy makers and clinicians as part of a larger KE plan

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