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Steering Committee: August 14, 2019

In Attendance: Augustina, Dielle, Kevan, Alexia, George, Paul, Sarah, Sanjeev, Eva, Janet.

Action Items

  • Pre-Survey for ECHO to be built in REDCap - Dielle

  • Monthly Survey for ECHO to be built in REDCap - Dielle

  • Follow up on status of ACCESS database for clinicians to refer and track patients – Dielle

  • Create competency list for ECHO pre-survey- Sanjeev

  • Reminder for ECHO slides/bios/photos- Dielle




  • 2 new RA hired – one starts August 19th, the other August 27th.

  • Interviewing for 3rd RA and Research Coordinator in progress

Patient Measures

  • Timeline has been pushed back; awaiting REB responses and measures to be added in database. Patient measures to be rolled-out with current REB approved protocol as soon as the following pieces are complete:

  • Redcap database- database is almost built but not tested.

  • Need to finalize safety protocol with sites.

  • Finalize and create separate database for clinicians to track and refer patients; sites to test link before we go-live

  • Dielle will assist with the first few assessment to test out logistics and untill RA’s are full trained.

  • REB is worried about what we do with contact information for family members if they don’t end up participating.

  • Solution: get names from patients. Contact family members. If they decline, delete contact info and keep: initials, date of contact, and reason why declined.


  • Dielle to follow-up wit sites regarding bio/photos- deadline August 15th; however some staff are away on vacation so will likely miss Aug 15th deadline.

  • Still waiting on bio/pictures from few Hub members.

  • Send out reminders for ECHO slides Tim and Connie. Aug 20th deadline

  • Maurey will moderate first call- Dielle will sit in, and Kevan will set up Zoom.

  • Dielle to meet with Cheryl and Jenny to ECHO pre-survey in REDCAP

  • Sanjeev to send list of competencies

Onboarding document

  • Sarah is working on the training document; document includes required readings and recommended material and then additional content.


  • George and Sarah had a call with Susan Gingerich. Discussed what is and isn’t doable for in-person training, as well as changes to the prescriber and SEE calls.

  • Susan to talk with trainers on August 19th re: Del’s calls going to 30 minutes to promote better physician participation/attendance.

  • SEE calls to be 2/month for the next few months to support the onboarding of all new SEE clinicians since the February training – one session per month will be “training” and the other session will be practical problem solving with clinical situations – Susan to discuss on the August 19th meeting

  • Don’t have budget for full training package (2.5 in-person days and post training calls) – discussion was had re: one-day training in-person with more extensive pre-training activities/resources.

  • One day training will be day before or after EPION (Nov 18th or 21st ) so its easier to budget and cover additional travel costs as most of the sites staff will be attending EPION.

  • NAVIGATE trainers have talked with other sites about the difficulty of sustainability and onboarding of new staff and not having funding for full training option – they have previously done 2 hour webinars regarding each intervention

  • Fully web-based training is worst option. Better to do some web e-learning beforehand, then come in for 1 day, and do individual personal workshops.

  • Simulation training with SCEIS IRT clinicians scheduled for Sept 27th, as a pilot for work being developed by Sanjeev and education services.

  • During the Simulation training session, options for the usability of this type of training remotely will be looked at e.g. clinicians remotely interact with an actor in real time

  • Late October simulation training with the sites (previously trained for a booster and onboarding of new staff) – to be bumped until the time of the one-day training – this will also allow for the other pre in-person training resources e.g. e-learning, animation, document with links and slides to be prepared

  • Possibility for the simulation in November (at the time of the EPION conference) could be that Piper (IRT trainer) could be part of the simulation as the content expert and provide feedback and suggestions to the different simulations as way of her providing some of the content that she does typically in a didactic session

  • This first simulation is IRT module 2 (the module that Piper typically spends almost a half day of in person training on) – eventually the simulation framework will be translated to other NAVIGATE interventions e.g. SEE, family.

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