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Steering Committee: April 17, 2019

In attendance: Nandini, Lillian, Dielle, Alexia, Janet, George, Augustina, Chelsi, Jasmyn, Jean, Aristotle

As a reminder to all, here is the committee update schedule for presenting at the Steering Committee:

  1. 1st Wednesday of the Month: Youth Advisory Committee , Implementation Committee (PSSP/Fidelity/Data), Outcomes Group

  2. 2nd Wednesday of the Month: Patient Measures and Outcomes , Service Measures and Outcomes, System Measures and Outcome (ICES)

  3. 3rd Wednesday of the Month: Family Advisory Committee, ECHO specifics


Action Items


  • Email Steering Committee Durham contract/confidentially forms for review – Dielle (Alexia/Janet to review)

  • Update outlook with tele-conference call date - May 6th – Chelsi

  • All committee members to provide a small agenda with their updates for the tele-conference call on May 6th – SC members - Send to Chelsi by Monday April 29th

  • CIHR Annual renewal – June 17th – Dielle to send to SC

  • Annual progress report with template – Jasmyn and Chelsi to draft

  • Financial report – Dielle

  • Partnerships – Dielle

  • Work plan – SC

  • Draft the rest of the REB amendments – Jasmyn

  • EPION conference, submission deadline late May – SC


  • Send the reflective practice sessions (occur Wednesday morning) to George/Chelsi – Sarah

  • Waterloo-Wellington site – reach out to their team to connect with family/youth members for the advisory committees – include Sarah as she knows the team – Chelsi

  • Connect with director for REB/Contracts for Waterloo-Wellington – Dielle


  • Logistic checklist to be given to PSSP for patient and clinical flow (including technological requirements) – Dielle to approve, Jasmyn to send



Contracts – Durham

  • Accepted all revisions with a few edits, CAMH’s legal team cleaned it up and Durham accepted those changes

  • The collaborator agreement is good, though they want the staff who will be conducting chart reviews to sign the following:

  1. Research confidential agreement forms

  2. Confidentially forms

  • The chart review staff would be signing it on their personal behalf – as in their individual capacity and not with the institution

  • Dielle to send the SC committee for review

Tele-conference Project Meeting Call

  • May 6th from 9:00-10:00

  • Structure of the call

  • Each committee to provide 5-10mins updates

  • Site leads to provide updates as well

  • Each committee to create a small agenda – to be sent to Chelsi

Web Portal Updates

  • May use a password instead of username

  • Meeting minutes to be uploaded to the portal for transparency – different tabs for all the committees

  • Separate ECHO tab – for recommendation


  • Please see attached document instructing how to turn off notifications

  • Will be used by the research team

On-boarding New Sites

  • Sarah is putting together an orientation package; including:

  1. Papers from navigate

  2. Summaries of the reflective practice sessions that occur Wednesday morning – mostly around IRT (Sarah to send to George then Chelsi)

  • Need to work with education for new sites that will be onboarded (won’t be ready in time for the Waterloo-Wellington site)

  • Timeline for the Waterloo-Wellington site to join – summer/early fall

  • PSSP should aim to be ‘on the ground’ at the Waterloo-Wellington site near the end of summer

  • Hopefully the Waterloo-Wellington site will be able to call into the ECHOs calls starting in July

  • Waterloo-Wellington site – reach out to their team to connect with family/youth members for the advisory committees – include Sarah as she knows the team

In Person Training Evaluation

  • Report has been sent out to the education team

Family Advisory Committee

  • Making a few edits to the Terms of Reference – just editing and will finalize at next meeting

  • Confirmed the service user document

  • Approved by the SC and to be put through the next round of REB amendments

  • Working on an onboarding document to orient new members – providing them with all relevant documents

  • George and Aristotle will be attending the May 9th FAC

  • Send the whole grant application and put on the webportal as well


  • Working on the curriculum

  • Coordinating all the sites regarding ECHO call date (potentially fourth Tuesday every month starting in July)

  • Discussions around the evaluation piece for the didactic and the recommendation (to see if the staff found it useful or even used them). Done after every ECHO sessions. Usually it’s done on paper – though we are working to automate the evaluations on REDCap.

Patient Measures and Outcomes

  • Drafting study specific SOPs (specifically regarding SI)

  • Logistic checklist to be given to PSSP for patient and clinical flow (including technological requirements)

  • Involve the site leads as well

Performance Measures – evaluating engagement for youth and family advisory members

  • Once the groups are fully formed, we can start with the engagement evaluation

  • Currently waiting on approval from the REB for those evaluations

  • Evaluations would take place every 3-4 months


  • Annual renewal – June 17th

  • Annual progress report with template – for Jasmyn and Chelsi to draft

  • Financial report

  • Appendix with partnership

  • And work plan if anything has changed

Qualitative Interviews

  • Juveria could work with Melanie and Janet to build and develop a workflow for the QI piece

  • For those currently receiving services as well as the clinicians implementing those services

  • Melanie - QI for implementation would occur at the end of support calls

  • Each role needs to have an interview with all the site roles (5 roles x 3 sites = 15 interviews)

  • May 10th is the next meeting – Sophie will already be joining

Submitting EPI-SET’s Work

  • Potentially for the EPION conference in the fall – construct a symposium

  • Would present on the four outcome measures. Team based presentation if possible

  • There will be data to present by then

  • Submission is May 21st

  • Nikki to help lead it

  • Draft the rest of the REB amendments

  • Lisa Dixon and Patrick– for the edits – implementation science portion

  • Can publish on Trials as well

  • Published the protocol on

  • Share that with the ministry decision makers


  • Alexia has updated the ministry on the work every month or so. They are focused on quality standards. Potential funding for PSSP. Patrick is involved.

  • ECHO is also looking into additional funding as well

Service Measures and Outcomes

  • There are many versions of Don Addington’s tool being used. We relied on the 2nd version though that is not the same version that Don is using in the U.S.

  • Have to make decisions on how we are going to measures it. Decide what is relevant.

  • EPI-NET within the U.S. - NIMH is funding, uploading their quality data. Don is involved in those projects. Reviews were done in late January. To check in to see what is being done, so we can align ourselves even more – if we have shared funding

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