Wednesday, October 9, 2019
In attendance: Jen, Dayna, Jeff, Krista, Sandy, Anne-Marie, Mary, Sarah, Sheila, Dielle, Laura, George
ECHO Sessions
- PSSP will be putting out a schedule for sites for presenting a case at ECHO sessions
- Very important that sites attend ECHO sessions
Post Training Calls
- PSSP will create a schedule for site leads to attend post-training calls so that one site lead from the overall project is part of each call
- Krista attended the last IRT call and this call was more successful
- PSSP wants to create a post-training call survey to ensure that all pieces of the project are meaningful
Communication within the Project
- CAMH will send info to PSSP Implementation Specialists (IS), then PSSP IS will send information along to site leads
- Andrea (research analyst) will send a link to the handbook in the portal, also located under the training tab on the EPI-SET website:
- Clinicians should complete the required reading as soon as possible before the e-learning (which will hopefully be available the first week of November) and webinars (which will be during the second week of November)
o One webinar is mandatory for all clinicians
o Clinicians will also have to be on a 1 hour webinar for their specific intervention
Recruiting for Research
- George discussed using a link in order to refer clients for research
- A document outlining how to refer patients for research will be created
ACCESS Database
- PSSP IS have spoken with the forensic team at CAMH that uses a similar platform in addition to their EMR
- They find it very useful, so PSSP will continue to work on this
SEE Calls
- PSSP will be sending out calendar invites for the upcoming SEE calls soon