Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
In attendance: Laura, Mary, Jeff, Dayna, George, Lauren, Sandy, Sarah
Action Items:
- Find out from prescribers how information regarding side effects is collected and where it is recorded – PSSP IS
- Sandy gave an update on the Access database
- Chatted with privacy officers and IT at sites, waiting for confirmation from privacy officers
- Information needs to be de-identified
Access Database
- Want to make a tab where clinicians can indicate the status of the client in terms of being asked about research
- Want to use the database to capture data as to how well Navigate is being implemented, clinicians already have a method of tracking other clinical information so this wouldn’t add much burden
IRT Form
- Want to change use of the term IRT enrolment, make it more specific to research
- Otherwise the form looks good
Family Education Form
- Want to change the term family enrolment to family engagement
- Otherwise family form is also good
Prescriber Form
- George mentioned that the information captured by prescribers is captured on paper as well as directly in the EMR
- George doesn’t think an extra form should be used for prescribers
- However he wants to know: Do patients fill out a side effect form? If so, where is that information captured?
Supported Employment and Education Program Form
- Want to log what person is doing when at a community partner to ensure all aspects of Navigate are being followed
- Don’t feel like job skills and activities need to be separated
- Education needs N/A option
- Want to emphasize longitudinal support even if person starts job/education program
- Extra notes section could be added
- May want to have common follow along supports as tick boxes, and don’t need the date
- More important to know whether follow along supports are being used rather than eaxctly what follow along supports are being used
Patient Measures Update
- Abanti will be sending out information later this week to IS including the Safety SOP and a link for clinicians to refer clients to research