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Implementation Committee: October 7, 2020

In attendance: George, Dayna, Al , Lauren, Brannon, Jeff, Sandy, Heather, Sarah

Action Items:

- Work with Waterloo to put together webinar regarding peer support to share with EPI-SET project. – Jeff/Al/PSSP

- Discuss material that site leads want to be presented at Nov 6th Medication Management Session at next implementation committee on Oct 14th. – Dayna/ Brannon

- Draft excel spreadsheet to aid implementation tracking for sites and send it to them by mid-October. – Sandy/Lauren/Heather/PSSP

- Connect with Augustina regarding suggestions for how treatment should be planned from a service user perspective – Sandy

- Put together PowerPoint regarding NAVIGATE for thunder bay site and provide e-learning resources in it and get FAC’s input on this. – Jeff

- Have discussion regarding how to best collect information on how sites have been adapting to the implementation of NAVIGATE and get their input on facilitators and barriers to this - PSSP



- The Waterloo site has expressed interest in presenting on peer support at the Nov 20th ECHO call and we have decided that this wouldn’t be the best avenue for them to do this because of time constraints etc.

- We instead are going to put together an external resource, likely a webinar, regarding peer support with Waterloo and we will check the content at steering committee to make sure we are comfortable with the content.

- We will be discussing the November 20th ECHO Medication Maintenance module at the next implementation committee to get site leads input on what they want to hear

Implementation spreadsheet

- We have been talking to sites about implementation tracking/documentation.

- Some sites want to have a spreadsheet that they can use in order to track documentation, while others feel that they already had good systems of tracking implementation

- In order to support sites, we want to draft an excel spreadsheet that they can use for documentation if sites would like by mid October.

- Following this we would like to get sites input on the document, update it, and have this sent to them by November

- We would also include in spreadsheet, number of new admissions, number who have been referred etc.

Treatment Planning

- YAC have discussed an interest in making suggestions regarding how treatment should be planned from a service-user perspective. Just need to connect with Augustina to begin working on this.

PowerPoint for Thunder Bay

- Jeff is putting together a PowerPoint regarding information on NAVIGATE for the Thunder Bay team.

- It might be a good idea to include some of the NAVIGATE e-learning pieces in the presentation.

- It may be a good idea to get the youth advisory committee’s input on this as well.

Barriers and facilitators to implementation

- We are interested in getting information from sites regarding how they have been implementing NAVIGATE and what tactics have been working.

- It would be interesting to hear what each site has been doing to change practice and to support implementation.

- It would be especially interesting to get this information from a sustainability and training perspective so that we can get future sites best supported.

Evaluation Update

- We noticed that sites were doing a lot that wasn’t NAVIGATE and it was interesting to us to see what this was.

- We have put together a report delving into this and will share it here for interest to see what suggestions anyone has..

- There is also a need for clinicians to need understand that NAVIGATE is not an additional part to the program but it should instead be the program. This is of course to be expected considering the fact that these teams were running other treatment before and are also offering other things.

- We will all have to continue discussing this going forward

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