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Implementation Committee: November 10, 2021

November 10th 2021

Attendance: Nitha, Dayna, Sandy, Lauren, Carol, Kerri, Jeff, Kim, Janet, Sarah

Action Items:

  • Set up meeting with Dielle and Kim to discuss CFIR - Nitha

  • Discuss with FAC and Rakshi about perspectives on standard care vs NAVIGATE differences - Nitha


Research update

  • Have many people not showing up to appointments

§ Text them with “we will be calling you in 2 minutes from this number” and

then call them

§ Ask clinicians for texting permission

  • CFIR: Set up a meeting with Dielle before bringing up the plan to site meeting

Sustainability Plan

o Treatment onboarding plan has been finalized using the teams feedback

o Hoping to increase fidelity to the NAVIGATE model

FAC debrief

o Andrea from FAC joined the Waterloo site meeting yesterday

o A list of questions were given to Andrea from Kim’s team

a. How to orient family members, how to present NAVIGATE info to family, thoughts

on NAVIGATE vs usual care?

o Andrea gave tips on how to reduce information overload and to focus on the immediately relevant information

o Idea to pull together perspectives from FAC members about standard care vs NAVIGATE

o The NAVIGATE framework operationalizes and standardizes usual care

o “What does predictable care mean to you” “what do you think you’re getting when you hear predictable standard care”?

o Good feedback from family and youth about the predictability of NAVIGATE

o How would we know that treatment is beings standardized if no one documents what is being done?

o Is there a way to ask FAC members how they address “standardization vs client centered”

o Need to leverage FAC voices for implementation. Have FAC engagement at team meetings going forward.

Readiness Assessment

o Will be starting January of 2022

o Consent process will be different this time

o The readiness survey is 45 items and asks about motivation to deliver NAVIGATE and the perception of organizational supports and what areas of training were received and if they were valuable

o This will be a time 2 assessment to see changes

Fidelity Assessment/Chart Extraction

o Initial feedback for timeline: goal is for PSSP to pull case files on site

o Durham will be last because of a new system

o Thunder Bay will be in late summer/early fall because they started later

o One clinician will need to be available during the chart extraction in case of problems/difficulties

o Interviews will be done remotely by phone

Delivery Tracking

o Finalized the data for the implementation delivery tracking

o Data projected to be collected will be send over email

o Sites to think about if the data will be easily accessible or if it needs to be hunted

down and if the data makes sense

o Spreadsheet for data collection will also be emailed

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