Attendance: Rameiya, Dayna, Sandy, Carol, Janet, George, Jeff, Kerri, Sarde, Lauren, Josette, Alan, Anne-Marie, Sarah
Action Items:
1. Discuss any updates re: site/slaight meeting next week - Rameiya
2. Send tracking log spreadsheet and document to site leads – Sandy
3. Follow up on tracking log and discuss feedback for the next two weeks– All sites
4. Discuss wellness plan next week – Anne-Marie
Project Team - Rameiya
o Slaight/Site meetings
- Lauren and others involved in implementation would like to attend this meeting as well
Implementation Tracking - Sandy
o Review of tracking document/process
- Purpose of the tracking log is to see if NAV fidelity reaches EPI standards and to keep track of key milestones in delivering NAV
- This tracking log consists of a list of items that sites will be collecting
- For the “program enrollment date” item, it is the date you are reporting your stats to the LHIN
- All items fall under 1 of the 4 components: IRT, SEE, Family Education and Support, Prescriber
- Sandy will email all members the “measurement of program delivery of NAV” document and tracking log excel spreadsheet
- Janet and Sandy will be accepting feedback in order to make refinements to the spreadsheet - site leads/clinicians should reach out to them in the next 2 weeks with any feedback/comments
- This is a one-time large scale data collection from each sites for only a percentage of their clients.
Site Update – Anne Marie
o The development of a wellness plan integrating lessons learned and NAVIGATE components – Anne-Marie stepped off due to technical difficulties so Dayna briefly discussed this item.
- Anne-Marie and team created a wellness plan. If anyone wants access to it, please let Dayna/Anne-Marie know and they will pass it along
- Anne-Marie will go over the wellness plan at our next meeting