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Implementation Committee: February 2, 2022

Attendance: Michael, Nitha, Lauren, Sandy, Jill, Sarah, Janet



- Sudbury:

o Lots of difficulty, all but 1 clinician is redeployed

o Anne-Marie is retiring in April 2022

o New prescriber will have a meeting with Aristotle; Michael should attend as well

- Prescriber ECHO:

o Non-psychiatrist prescribers can attend the prescriber ECHOs and continue attending the regular ECHO.

o Kim to get back to Michael if the nurses and pharmacist would like the invitation.

- Waterloo: Communication will go through Michael for any questions/updates

- Create a general communication plan with implementation and RA team for the sites

o To make sure the sites are not overwhelmed with communication from different people/teams

- Evaluation updates:

o Need to discuss with Dielle about readiness survey changes

o International NAVIGATE conference: Sarah Bromley in contact with conference team

- Knowledge translation:

o 7 of the main questions from ECHO implementation discussion session was sent to sites to see if relevant to their teams

o Should we host FAQ on the EPI-SET website?

§ What will happen to the EPI-SET website when the study finishes?

o ECHO implementation update discussion will occur each quarter, next scheduled for May

§ Shouldn’t wait until May to send out information for the site, will bring to the next steering committee

o ECHO didactic slides are being posted to the website, Nitha to email implementation team when it’s all uploaded

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