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Implementation Committee: August 25, 2021

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Attendance: Nitha, Dayna, Sandy, Jeff, Josette, Lauren, Sheeba, Anne-Marie, Sarah


• Introduce Nitha to team

• Time 1 reports for sites will be sent out

o Revisions to baseline reporting for certain sites were done (revisions will also be sent out)

Implementation Tracker

  • To get a general idea of what happens in a specific time frame of implementation of NAVIGATE

  • NAVIGATE delivery tracking updated

  • How feasible is it to track the items on the tracker?

  • Major changes:

o Modules either “Not started” or “Addressed”

• Took out “completed, not completed, started” to make it easier

o 4 modules meet CBT criteria: 6, 7, 9, 10 – need to know how many sessions were spent on it (10 = CBT)

o NAVIGATE recommends treatment plan review every 6 months. 0, 1 or 2 treatment plan reviews

o SEE: is it part of program vs community partner

 Date they saw clinician (client needs to meet all roles in the first month)

o Added 2 levels of consent = keep in

 Client consent to contact family for family education

 Client consent to have family involved in treatment

o Medication dosing = take out

o This new tracker is retrospective. Information is high level so should not be too hard to find.

 Not sure how far it will go back

 Working on getting resources to help with retrospective data

 Tracking data will be for a randomized set of clients using information sites already have

o May need to make all changes before sending to site leads

o Tracker will not be on a shared drive. It will be sent to each site by implementation team

  • Meetings will be scheduled for individual site feedback in September

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