Attendance: Nitha, Dayna, Sandy, Jeff, Josette, Lauren, Sheeba, Anne-Marie, Sarah
• Introduce Nitha to team
• Time 1 reports for sites will be sent out
o Revisions to baseline reporting for certain sites were done (revisions will also be sent out)
Implementation Tracker
To get a general idea of what happens in a specific time frame of implementation of NAVIGATE
NAVIGATE delivery tracking updated
How feasible is it to track the items on the tracker?
Major changes:
o Modules either “Not started” or “Addressed”
• Took out “completed, not completed, started” to make it easier
o 4 modules meet CBT criteria: 6, 7, 9, 10 – need to know how many sessions were spent on it (10 = CBT)
o NAVIGATE recommends treatment plan review every 6 months. 0, 1 or 2 treatment plan reviews
o SEE: is it part of program vs community partner
Date they saw clinician (client needs to meet all roles in the first month)
o Added 2 levels of consent = keep in
Client consent to contact family for family education
Client consent to have family involved in treatment
o Medication dosing = take out
o This new tracker is retrospective. Information is high level so should not be too hard to find.
Not sure how far it will go back
Working on getting resources to help with retrospective data
Tracking data will be for a randomized set of clients using information sites already have
o May need to make all changes before sending to site leads
o Tracker will not be on a shared drive. It will be sent to each site by implementation team
Meetings will be scheduled for individual site feedback in September