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Implementation Committee: April 28, 2021

Attendance: Rameiya, Dayna, Carol, Jeff, Wanda, Kim, Kerri, Lauren, Josette, Anne-Marie

Action Items:

1. Reach out to Slaight trainers prior to booster training event re: providing a brief description/blurb of qualifications/expertise which will be shared with site clinicians – Rameiya/Dielle

2. Touch base with Anne-Marie re: coordinating care services with other regions – Rameiya


• Booster/capacity building session

· Two half day events, first day will be dedicated toward updates on different aspects of the research project

· System outcome discussions will be led by Dr. Kozloff

· We will also hear from the advisory committees

· Second half-day event will focus on booster training for clinicians

· Rameiya and the rest of the research team will send out final agenda for both days soon

· Will discuss special topics and how they fit within the NAV model (will not be a broad overview) – suicidality, trauma, case management integration

· Blurb about Slaight clinician trainers will be helpful to encourage site clinicians to attend; in the past the trainers weren’t the best fit for certain sites (i.e waterloo)

 Sites want to ensure everyone who will be speaking at these booster sessions will have the expertise – Rameiya to discuss this with Dielle/research team

· Virtual service delivery – Dr. Wanda Tempelaar

- Wanda is part of the project that involves the virtual switch of NAV – wants to know how clinicians have made this change and how has our patients responded to this

- Wanda hopes to gain insights into barriers and success

o Waterloo:

 Challenges: interpreting privacy and standard operating procedures around remote work; admin related tasks (who will email this person, how do you verify emails, etc.); some clients don’t want to come in at all even to see a nurse, sometimes video conferencing can get uncomfortable (ex. client drinks alcohol during the meeting).

 Successes: having multiple platforms were useful (video via OTM, audio via cellular device); seeing people who would otherwise not come in due to work; able to call no-shows and just speak to them over the phone.

o Thunder Bay:

 Challenges: = recovery/see workers are use to delivering work in an outreach setting (community centre, etc.), zoom fatigue.

 Successes: was familiar with OTM prior to pandemic and able to expand on that during pandemic; virtual appointments seem to be accessible to those who do not need to take time off from work or commute to the clini.

o Sudbury:

 Challenges: when clients receive an invitation for an appointment it does not identify with whom that appointment is with and for what purposes - not able to distinguish (currently working with IT to address); individuals living in rural locations – bandwidth issues; if we began with in person visits with a client we have a better relationship with them online and with those we haven’t met in person, online visits seem to add to paranoia; Clients/students with High risk for self harm – when they move out of the Sudbury region we can no longer provide care so need to determine how to coordinate care with services in other regions (there was an issue in Sudbury where a client went back to their home region and become suicidal. Sudbury team came across some challenges when connecting with the care team in the other region. Anne Marie will bring her learnings to the next meeting).

 Successes: developed procedures to identify risk and benefits and provide and receive informed consent; uses MS teams for operational work

o North Bay:

 Challenges: some clients did not want to receive virtual care and wanted to wait until things got back to normal - clinicians were doing check ins/case management rather than providing structural care at the early stages of the pandemic but now they are back on tracking with NAVIGATE

o How should we address barriers?

 Site leads to let Wanda/Janet/Dayna know if there is anything they would like research team to address re: barriers to virtual engagement

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