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Implementation Committee: September 9, 2020

In attendance: Lauren, Brannon, Dana, Kerri, Kim, Charlotte, Anne Marie, Josette, Sandy

Action Items:

- We will have Melanie on the next call to update us on the Staff Qualitative Interviews


Dayna: Any updates on how things are going well with implementing NAVIGATE. I figured we would start with some things going well some things that need to be focused on and some challenges.

Kerri Niagara: Things are going well, we have a number of new staff and they like the structure of NAVIGATE. We are starting to adjust to new staff and have enough people to address needs. We are having trouble providing this to transient clients regarding the highly structured program.

Kim Waterloo: We have been noticing similar issues as well, we have also been looking at this critically, to see how we are able to still provide value to clients who are transient.

Sandy: I’m curious to see how the rural nature of many of their clients is related to engagement and how this is related to COVID?

Kerri Niagara: We have provided care virtually which has helped and we have been able to use cabs to get patients to the treatment as we have been able to save money in others ways.

Dayna: Its interesting to see that new clinicians may be providing NAVIGATE more easily. I think it would be important to consider how new and old clinicians are dealing with this differently.

Kim: I think that for many older clinicians as they have more perspective on other models of care they tend to be a little more critical of aspects of NAVIGATE.

Kim: things are going well we have a partnership with the YMCA , and a number of orientation groups that we think will help us get more people into treatment and people ready once their treatment is done. We have always been dealing with other issues to introduce NAVIGATE but we have been trying to forge ahead regardless and it has been going well for the most part.

George: We also need to consider how important peer support workers are in helping us implement this

Sheila: We have really found we have benefited from having a designated SEE worker. We also have designated family workers and they will be offering a group for families going forward. We now need to focus on how to best document implementation of NAVIGATE , we are hoping to have a better system to do this next spring. We have been struggling with staff turnover and having resistance from more experienced clinicians regarding NAVIGATE.

Sandy: A major takeaway we have gotten from talking with American trainers and have gotten from data collected from sites is that many full-time NAVIGATE clinicians are not spending that much time actually providing it. Many are doing so many other things and having a much larger caseload than settings in the states

George: These are similar challenges/concerns that we had implementing NAVIGATE at Slaight. It is true that the settings in Ontario and USA are very different but we need to keep in mind that I don’t think there is a right way to do this and that flexibility is required. It is very important to keep in perspective that even if clients are hard to reach we can still provide some care for them when they are available and to keep in mind the small victories we have.

Josette: We have been doing well, we have some positive updates with some clients. Our SEE and IRT clinicians are not in the clinic , they are in the community and this sometimes poses problems but they are very good and very helpful. About 70% of our clients are receiving care online.

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