In attendance: Laura, Dayna, Al, Charlotte, Jeff, Lauren, Mary, Sandy, Janet, Alexia, Sarah
Action Items:
Review and provide feedback on the fidelity core components document– Everyone
ECHO over the summer
We are now moving back to maintaining the ECHO format over the summer and will not be doing post-training intervention specific calls
They will take place twice a month, the first and third Thursdays of the month
The format has changed, the didactics will be briefer and specific to what sites want to talk about
They will address specific questions, challenges, basically whatever clinicians request, which is in line with the feedback we received around ECHO sessions
The sites will not have to present full cases, they can ask a question about a patient or about material from NAVIGATE
There will also be more time for questions and discussion
The first session starts next week
The working group working on creating the sessions includes Abanti, Sanjeev, and Nikki
We will transition back to the full curriculum in September
The online collaborative space will be put on hold for now, so we don’t launch too many things at the same time
We will still populate and create this space
Baseline Readiness Data from the first 3 sites from March 2019
Heather took the lead on the analyses of the data
Used the readiness monitoring tool, tailored to work with NAVIGATE
7 point Likert scale, and also includes contextual info
Based on the fact that readiness is a dynamic process
Originally designed to be administered at 3 time points
Wanted it to be administered before training
Administered in March 2019 for the first wave (3 sites), just after in-person training
Good response rate
We want to get these results back sooner in the future
Across all of the sites there was overall high readiness, but less readiness in terms of motivation
Strong readiness in terms of general items that speak to a sense of belonging and purpose to the organization
The lowest rating is related to financial plans, as the staff likely don’t have access to this information
The ratings show adequate support and values
The staff say that they don’t have lots of communication from other organizations
The ratings for the question “We are receiving the proper training” were slightly lower – something to note
It’s difficult to implement the NAVIGATE model of care, this answer speaks to the complexity
Do sites still have concerns with motivation to implement the model of care?
As with most change, there was a general resistance at the beginning
Sometimes there can be a honeymoon period in interventions where the scores go higher, then go back down
Interesting to see how new sites view the training/model
If we don’t see positive changes from the first round of training, we want to know why
From now on we can get share results sooner, as we are more able to do that now
Planning to do this 3 times over the course of the study
It’s hard to get responses to surveys from clinicians, as there are already lots of asks in the project
Feedback on the Core Components document
It will be useful to hear feedback from implementation folks, especially how to communicate these results and engage sites on items where there is less readiness
We are interested in differences related to training
We will also include this when we go back to sites with fidelity data
Al says he can see him using the core components document down the road, can start to look where things are going, want to see how attitudes have shifted as there is more acceptance
Dayna said it could be useful, but thinks the fidelity tool is more effective
This was presented at steering committee today
There was interest in Melanie’s work, and a good discussion about who she should interview
We are going to send this to the US trainers to get feedback
Want feedback on what the core components of NAVIGATE are in the eyes of the trainers
It was mentioned that this should have been done before the project started
The ISs will review it as well
Want to move it forward as soon as possible
Helpful for clinicians to know about this, and useful for when the model of care scales up
Dayna used it to explain the model of care to a doctor on the project