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Implementation Committee: May 15, 2019

In Attendance: Josette, Jasmyn, Jeff, Alexia, Dayna, Kerri, Sheila, Janet, Sarah, George

Regrets: Mary, Kelsey, Sandy

Action Items:

EPION Conference:

  • Ask Aristotle/Dielle about budget to send site leads to the EPION conference – Jasmyn

  • Read over draft EPION abstract and send feedback – site leads

  • Add to abstract: front-line staff and patient perspective – Chelsi

Continue collecting questions about the patient research piece and connecting with Jasmyn/George around them – Implementation Specialists


EPION Conference

  • Alexia sent around the draft EPION abstracts

  • 2 x 1 hour panels (Part 1 and Part 2)

  • The first is an introduction to the project, the second is about implementation and training

  • Josette is up to presenting if she has the budget to go to the conference (is there budget within the study? Jasmyn will ask), Amanda from her site is definitely going

  • Durham team is planning on going to the EPION conference, Sheila will participate in the presentation

  • Would be helpful to hear from front-line staff, in addition to site leads

  • Would be good to hear from patient perspective as well (and Augustina and Lillian will be going) – add to abstract

Site Updates

North Bay:

  • Clinicians are still completing NAVIGATE template, adapting modules as they need to

  • Ironing out details of clinical meetings

  • Getting ready to trial the documentation component of the SEE function (from outside agency), then evaluate how that is going and plan accordingly

  • Redefining the supervision component of Josette’s role  potentially calling it a “supportive role” and focusing on the questions that should be captured in NAVIGATE (this is similar to how it is at CAMH)

  • Josette was never supervising anyone in her role previously, she was doing education

  • Now Josette is dedicating more time to one program, trying to frame it as an investment in the program (return: retention of clinicians, number of clients that can be seen, etc.)

  • Other clinics have also had to push for evidence-based care, which often has somewhat higher up-front costs

  • SEE role is a partnership with PEP

  • Contact forms/documentation  will have to trial something a bit different, might need to capture on the site end rather than the partner agency (no agreement between them to do full NAVIGATE)

  • New clients are offered the SEE component by clinicians, and they offer to go to first visit with them. Will potentially set up some kind of monthly update meeting as well, to capture the information the site needs

  • Everyone should get the introduction to SEE, not only if they express interest explicitly  SEE workers came up with red flag sheet for IRT clinicians at CAMH, so that if the SEE clinician can’t be present, the IRT clinician is using the same words as the SEE clinician would.

  • The main focus at North Bay is to minimize the burden on PEP as much as possible, while still making sure everyone gets the same level of SEE function as they would if it was done internally. North Bay wants to do the documentation themselves and own the documentation (and minimize burden on PEP).


  • Didn’t have a lot of structure changes with NAVIGATE, though nurses are now family workers

  • Both SEE workers are leaving – this isn’t a permanent position that they can hire a replacement for. Sheila can probably post for a 4-day per week job, but she is thinking about what role to post for and how much money there is. She isn’t sure when the person who is off is coming back. It could also be a CYW or a social service worker.

  • She is thinking about potentially partnering with an external agency

  • In the pure NAVIGATE model in the US, this was the only role that the director was supervising because they didn’t have a professional body or Master’s training

  • Decided originally to build the capacity within the team for this, rather than employing an external agency (e.g. for ease of meetings, some amount of control) but can also work with community partners (and have been utilizing that for training, etc.)

  • At last Service Measures and Outcomes meeting, they raised the issue of monitoring staff turnover, so they will likely be asking the sites on a regular basis about this.


  • Hasn’t been a lot of structural change within the program

  • May need to shift who is taking a lot of responsibility/supervision, but right now Krista is doing most of it

  • Not a lot that is new from a couple of weeks ago in terms of updates

  • All new clients get NAVIGATE, some older clients are getting some NAVIGATE material

  • Using the focus in the documentation system, organizing paperwork

  • May 27th site visit booked

  • SEE worker is an OT doing more than in NAVIGATE, connecting with external resources for a lot of the SEE employment building stuff

  • Implementation Tracker

  • Use at PSSP to keep track of activities that they are working on

  • Status report: current status of where projects/tasks are at

  • Risks and issues: risks could happen, vs. issues are happening

  • Would add things like vacancies, people leaving, strategies around training, etc.

  • Could discuss these with implementation specialist/site leads

  • Tabs for activities by site as well, to keep track

  • Lessons learned – to try to capture these (e.g. what have you learned around the system gap? what could others benefit from knowing before approaching a similar project?)

  • Happen regularly

Research – Looking Ahead to July

  • Longitudinal research recruitment will be starting in July (no specific hard date set)

  • Questions: Is it only new clients? Or can it be pre-existing clients? What types of diagnoses, e.g. drug-induced psychosis?

  • New patients that are entering treatment, not existing clients

  • Any diagnosis, as long as there is psychosis

  • We are going to make a 1-page poster for clinicians (since they are making referrals to for this part of the research)

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